Facebook Lite is the social network application

Facebook Lite is the social network application

Facebook Releases Facebook Lite, Drastically Reduces App Overhead

2016-12-20 10:19:06 | 日記
Facebook just announced that they plan to launch their โหลดFacebook lite Android mobile app targeting the next billion users in emerging markets like Kenya and Africa.

At first glance, Facebook Lite seems to be a pretty good idea since its a version of the Facebook Android mobile app that is designed specifically for low-end Android devices running on slow and expensive Internet connections that are typical in markets like Kenya and the rest of Africa. Hoorah!
Readmore : Download Play Store TH
I am a little skeptical about Facebook Lite and ALL other initiatives (Google, I am looking at you too!) that come across as being 'too good to be true and just for us' in the world's poorest countries - also referred to as the next billion. The reality is that smartphone growth has more or less flattened in most of the world's more developed markets and therefore Africa is one of the key markets being targeted for future growth. Its inevitable. The only way is up when your still down there in the dirt
- but growing like a weed.
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Facebook Lite is less than 1MB so it is fast to install and quick to load. It includes Facebook’s core experiences like News Feed, status updates, photos, notifications and more.
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