
On a Chilly Dark Day

2018-11-06 15:56:36 | 日記

 After the retirement I have been living a stress-less life. Yes, school teacher is a really stressful job in Japan. My headache, backache, and stomachache I suffered are gone. I am now enjoying chorus, hiking, handicrafts, and working in my garden.

  But recently I am feeling a little uneasiness. Are they all I want to do? Are they enough I should do?  I’m not talented. I’m not capable. But what should I do now?

  Probably my uneasiness is caused of some recent news;

 9000 people are walking from middle America to the USA through Mexico looking for jobs and safety. Leaving their home and everything behind, they have to walk to an uncertain goal. How hard! What is waiting for them is Trump!s troops at the border!         

  Trump’s loud, arrogant, selfish voice seems destroying rational, democratic, or peace loving world. And I see the fervent audiences behind Trump abusing everything he hates. And in many other countries people are welcoming Little Trump.

  Last Saturday I joined a gathering in front of the Congress House to appeal not to change the constitution, especially article 9, which declares we will never go to war.  Abe fanatically says he will change the article next year. This is the very crisis of peace and democracy. But the number of the people in front of the Congress House was less than 20 thousands.

   Democracy is so difficult to keep on. Hatred and selfishness infect easily.

  It’s chilly and dark day. I am too pessimistic today.