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Dow & FTSE Divergence

2017-06-20 15:00:00 | Analysis 分析

Dora says this bull trend started in Sep 2011 may end soon.

Mr.Merriman's weekly report :

June 21 is the summer solstice when the Sun enters the sign of Cancer.
The USA is a Cancer nation, so conditions in America are apt to move markets during this time.

Some equity markets were hot, and some were cold, creating multiple cases of intermarket bearish divergence throughout the world in a time period leading up to the very important Sun/Mars conjunction of July 26.

This Sun/Mars conjunction is a powerful geocosmic signature that has a high probability of beginning or ending a double digit decline in equity markets when they come within 12 degrees (and usually 8 degrees or less) of one another, which measures out to an orb of 6 weeks either side of its occurrence. We are entering that time band now.

It is all progressing to the competitive Sun/Mars conjunction in Leo on July 26, followed by the solar eclipse conjunct Mars (and Donald Trump’s natal Mars/Ascendant) on August 21. Someone is going to be very upset, and the markets will respond accordingly, which is why the greatest risk to the U.S. stock market this summer is the political one.

If they succeed in passing important economic legislation (like tax reform), the stock markets will soar. If the Democrats succeed in preventing that, the markets will more than likely have a swoon dance that could last into August-October.