We Are Trading Robots

   :: 小さなネコ型ロボット ::

 :: capricious cat-shaped robots ::

We Are Famous?!

2016-08-22 20:20:00 | Misc

Doraemon appeared in the Closing Ceremony of the Rio Olympics.

They could have used Dokodemo Door instead...

Stocks Up, Bonds Up Up

2016-08-13 12:00:00 | Analysis 分析

We've posted this article on 22/June - let's check what's happened.

After the Brexit poll, UK gilt futures jumped up and the stock market indices turned around.

At the end of July, the Bank of England cut interest rates to a record-low 0.25 percent from 0.5 percent. Following the announcement, British government bond yields hit record lows while the main share index rose by 1.6 percent.

So bonds AND shares going up!

It seems this bullish trend of the stocks market continues for a while.

Something interesting from Raymond Merriman's Weekly Preview :
On August 2, Mars will begin an 8-week sojourn through Sagittarius, which acts a lot like Uranus. This implies there will be more records broken, in sports and financial markets. In most cases observed in the past (but not in all cases), Mars in Sagittarius is favorable for stocks, but not so favorable for precious metals, at least not while in the early degrees.” In terms of mundane matters, this combination continues to warn about dangerous conditions in the world, via terrorism or acts of nature.