ウラジオストクを走ってる車はほぼ100% 日本車で右ハンドルが全体の7割ってところ。とてもキレイで車だけ見てるとロシア感がない。
The driver coming to pick us up at the airport drove like crazy to the city center (over 75miles/hr) But the car was Toyota and very comfy. Being imported as a second hand car from Japan, the driver's seat was on the right hand side and all indications were written in Japanese. I believe he had no idea what they were saying.
Almost all cars driving in Vladivostok were Japanese and 70% of them had a driver's seat on the right.
動物雑貨ONLY PLANET (オンリープラネット)のネット販売
動物雑貨ONLY PLANET (オンリープラネット)のホームページ
ウラジオストクを走ってる車はほぼ100% 日本車で右ハンドルが全体の7割ってところ。とてもキレイで車だけ見てるとロシア感がない。
The driver coming to pick us up at the airport drove like crazy to the city center (over 75miles/hr) But the car was Toyota and very comfy. Being imported as a second hand car from Japan, the driver's seat was on the right hand side and all indications were written in Japanese. I believe he had no idea what they were saying.
Almost all cars driving in Vladivostok were Japanese and 70% of them had a driver's seat on the right.
動物雑貨ONLY PLANET (オンリープラネット)のネット販売
動物雑貨ONLY PLANET (オンリープラネット)のホームページ