

2009-05-31 | レース

クリスの結果は、天国と地獄? ヘヴン・アンド・ヘル?(ブラックサバスっ!)





2009-05-30 | レース
ムジェロでカピロッシとリズラスズキが、驚くべきフロントロー(30/05/2009 15:31pm)

Gran Premio D'Italia Alice Qualifying Practice Classification:

1. Jorge Lorenzo (Yamaha) 1'48.987:
2. Casey Stoner (Ducati) +0.021:
4. Valentino Rossi (Yamaha) +0.161:
5. Randy de Puniet (Honda) +0.512:






Fabulous front row start for Capirossi and Rizla Suzuki at Mugello(30/05/2009 15:31pm)

Rizla Suzuki's Italian star Loris Capirossi will start his home Grand prix from the front row of the grid after qualifying in third place at hot and sunny Mugello today.

Capirossi (1'49.121, 27 laps) had improved all day as he set the fifth fastest time during this morning's final free practice session and was one of only four riders to record sub 1'50 laps during the early part of the qualifying session - when riders were still using the harder compound of Bridgestone race tyre that they will favour in tomorrow's race. During the final third of the session Capirossi bettered his times to such a point that he was in pole position with only a few seconds remaining, but he saw that snatched from him right at the end by championship leader Jorge Lorenzo and Casey Stoner. His time was still good enough to give him the final front row position, his second successive at Mugello and the Rizla's third in succession following Chris Vermeulen's in 2007.

Vermeulen (P11, 1'50.405. 29 laps) continued to improve on his lap times and his GSV-R throughout today, and at the end of the qualifying session he was only 1.418 seconds from pole. He used the experience of his team-mate to good effect in the qualifying session as he followed Capirossi around the complicated 5,245m Mugello Circuit to learn some different lines. Vermeulen is confident of the set-up he has for the Suzuki GSV-R tomorrow and is planning on a good performance in the 23-lap race.

The lights will change to go for tomorrow's race at 14.00hrs local time (12.00hrs GMT) with both Rizla Suzuki riders aiming for the best result possible at this awesome circuit.

Loris Capirossi:
"It has been a fantastic day today, especially because I was a bit angry yesterday and we had a really good meeting with all the team and decided to change a lot of things on the bike. Stuart is so clever because he made the right modifications to the GSV-R and from first thing this morning it was working well. Our target is to always try and do our best, but this front row is a great feeling for us. The race is tomorrow but this has given a good lift to the whole team and we will now try as hard as possible tomorrow afternoon. I know that Suzuki has been doing a lot of work at the factory and we now hope that the new engine that is coming to Barcelona will help even more. The race will be hard for everybody tomorrow, but I don't have anything to lose and I will try my best and see what happens!"

Chris Vermeulen:
"It is not a good qualifying position, but we have definitely taken a step forward today with the bike. All of the mechanics and engineers have done a great job today and they have given me a lot more confidence - especially in the front of the bike. Hopefully we'll take yet another step forward in the race tomorrow. I want to congratulate and also thank Loris. He helped me out in the session and showed me some lines that his 20 years of experience here have produced and you can definitely see the difference when you follow him - that certainly helped me out towards the end of qualifying. I'm in a reasonable position on the grid and in with a lot of good riders, so if I can get a good start hopefully we can have a decent race tomorrow."

Paul Denning - Team Manager:
"Things were really tough yesterday afternoon for both the guys and the team has done very well to turn the bike around and inspire a much higher level of confidence in the GSV-R today. It's fantastic to be back on the front row, especially with the high level of competition that there is right now. For Loris to get amongst that group is going to help his confidence and self-belief - not just for tomorrow but as a kick-start to the rest of the season. Well done to Loris and well done to his crew for giving him a bike capable of reaching the front row.
"Chris has made a decent step forward today and also seems to be coming out of his illness, which whilst he wouldn't want to use it as any form of an excuse, can't be an ideal situation. It has been a good job by the whole team today and we are looking forward to the Grand Prix with high hopes tomorrow!"



2009-05-30 | イラスト


今、安斎さんのバンド「The Chokobabyz」のアルバムがヘビロテなのですが、「KAPPAの逆襲」という曲が、あまりにもツボにはまって...。

降り続け雨 涙雨
吹きすさめ風 神風
呪縛から 解き放つ声
侮辱から にじみ出す方へ
振りほどけ えにし


振りほどけ えにし

降り続け雨 涙雨
吹きすさめ風 神風
踏み出せ いにしえの水辺より



2009-05-30 | レース
カピロッシ、ムジェロでフロントローのペースに近づく(29/05/2009 16:28pm)

Gran Premio D'Italia Alice Free Practice Classification:

1. Jorge Lorenzo (Yamaha) 1'49.870:
2. Valentino Rossi (Yamaha) +0.195:
3. Casey Stoner (Ducati) +0.274:
4. Dani Pedrosa (Honda) +0.938:
5. Colin Edwards (Yamaha) +1.021:






Capirossi close to front row pace at Mugello

29/05/2009 16:28pm
Rizla Suzuki MotoGP completed the first free practice session at Mugello in Italy today with Loris Capirossi less than a second off a provisional front row start at his home Grand Prix.

Capirossi (1'51.007, 24 laps) was seventh overall on the timesheets, but he was only 0.863 away from the third fastest time of the day. He worked extremely hard with his crew throughout the hour-long session to improve his Suzuki GSV-R, saving his best for last as he recorded his two quickest laps of the day at the very end on the session.

Chris Vermeulen (P13, 1'51.994, 25 laps) also improved steadily throughout the afternoon as he too produced his fastest lap on his final circuit of the 5,245m Italian track. He believes there is still a lot more to come from him, the bike and the whole package, and will be working hard with the crew this evening to hopefully make things happen tomorrow.

The whole MotoGP field basked in warm sunshine today as air temperatures reached 27?C and track surfaces got up to 52?C. With the hills of the Tuscan countryside looming large over the circuit like some monolithic spectators, championship leader Jorge Lorenzo recorded the best time of the day.

Rizla Suzuki will take to the track again tomorrow morning for the final hour of free practice, before the excitement of the qualifying session takes place in the afternoon. Sunday's 23-lap race gets underway at 14.00hrs local time (12.00hrs GMT) when the excited hordes of fans at trackside will be whipped up into a frenzy come race-time.

Loris Capirossi:
"It was not easy today as we struggled a bit to get a good feeling from the front of the bike, but it was good to have a full hour to work with because we were able to get through a lot of changes. We tried a couple of runs with different settings and then one with a very extreme setting. We will certainly improve tomorrow, but having said that the bike is not too bad at the moment. I really enjoy riding here at this track, but at the moment - until we get the setting right - it is just not quite perfect!"

Chris Vermeulen:
"It's great to come back to Mugello; this is certainly a circuit that most of the GP field enjoy. It hasn't been a good circuit for Suzuki in the past as we have suffered a bit with the high-speed turns and the long straight. During today's session we made some progress with the bike and tested both tyre compounds to see which one gave the best feeling and durability - we've certainly got a direction with that. My biggest issue at the moment is with front grip and making the bike steer a bit better. We'll be working hard with the engineers this evening and we already have some ideas how we can improve."

Paul Denning - Team Manager:
"It has not been the start to the weekend at Mugello that we'd hoped for, but we got through a lot of work and the direction that we need to improve in is very clear. Loris took a big step forward at the end to get within a second of the fastest guys, but he still has some big restrictions holding him back. If we can fix those in the morning things don't look too bad at all in that department.
"Chris has been rather unwell during this week and it is not clear if that had any significant effect during the session, but we know that he can go a whole lot better than that and the pressure is on to take big steps tomorrow morning, which I'm sure he can achieve."

「 in that department」が分かりません。「この局面では、」と訳しましたが、よく分かってません。



2009-05-27 | Chris Vermeulen
ヴァーミューレン、ルマンでの乗り換えのタイミングを振り返る(Thursday, 21 May 2009)



Vermeulen uses hindsight on Le Mans change timing(Thursday, 21 May 2009)
Australian admits that bike switch was perhaps made too late.

Chris Vermeulen is one of four flag-to-flag racewinners since the introduction of the format in 2006, and he returned to the scene of his only Grand Prix triumph to date last week at Le Mans. The circumstances were different for the Australian -the race went from wet to dry- but nonetheless he was back in pit lane changing Suzuki GSV-R’s during the French visit.
“The conditions were the reverse order of a couple of years ago, when we won here. Knowing when to come in was really a tough decision, and we probably came in a little bit too late in hindsight,” admitted Vermeulen after taking a season-best result of sixth.
“When you’re out there it’s difficult to know who is coming in and what tyres those on track are using. I saw Rossi come in and go back out on slicks. Then when I saw him go down I thought that it wasn’t the right thing to do. We’ve got some good points and our best result of the season, so it worked out alright.”
The desire to gain an extra advantage led to riders mulling over the possibility of starting the race with slick tyres, although the timing of the sunshine did not quite lend itself to such risk-taking. Instead there were plenty of nervous moments as the riders went out on wets.
“There were sections that were completely dry when we started, and that was just cooking the wet tyres. Then you’d get to a corner that was soaking wet. It was a gamble, but in the end the track was more or less completely dry,” explained the Suzuki man, before looking forward to the next round on the MotoGP calendar.
“Mugello is going to be a hard one for us. The Suzuki’s speed is not the quickest, that’s no secret, so the big long straight is probably going to hurt us. However, we’ve had a good result and are looking to improve upon it next time out.”



2009-05-26 | レース
ホームでの栄光を求めるカピロッシ(26/05/2009 10:01am)





Capirossi hunting for home glory(26/05/2009 10:01am)

The Rizla Suzuki MotoGP team is on the way to the Tuscan region of Italy for the fifth round of the 2009 MotoGP World Championship, to be held at the picturesque Mugello circuit.

Loris Capirossi will certainly be aiming to impress as he returns home for the Italian GP. The highly experienced racer qualified his Rizla Suzuki GSV-R on the front row at Mugello last year, but was unable to make that advantage tell in the race, something that he is planning to put right this year as he goes in search of the team's first podium of the season.

Chris Vermeulen had an impressive ride at Mugello last year despite only finishing 10th. He was boxed out on the first corner and found himself down in 17th at the end of the first lap, but he fought his way through the field to finish in a very respectable position.

The beautiful 5,245m Autodromo Internazionale del Mugello is located near the town of Scarperia in the Tuscan region of Italy, approximately 25kms north-east of Florence. It is one of the fastest circuits on the calendar and also has the longest straight of the year where riders will hit speeds in excess of 300km/h.

Rizla Suzuki MotoGP takes to the track on Friday afternoon for the first free practice session followed by another hour of free practice on Saturday morning. The afternoon will then see the riders battle it out during an hour of qualifying for the best grid positions for Sunday's race. The 23-lap race gets underway on Sunday 31st May at 14.00hrs local time (12.00hrs GMT).

Loris Capirossi:
"Mugello is always a special place for me and I was not happy with last year's result so I am planning to put things right this time around. I managed a seventh after starting on the front row and I struggled a bit in the race. This year's GSV-R is certainly better than the 2008 bike and I really believe if we can get the set-up right and have a couple of good day's testing we can be pushing at the front. We need to work out why we don't seem able to get the most from the tyres at the moment; our competitors certainly seem to be getting a lot more out of their rubber, so it is something we really have to focus on and keep pushing to the maximum."

Chris Vermeulen:
"The result at Le Mans last time out was a bit better, but it is still not what we are looking for. We need to keep working hard and try to get the full potential from the GSV-R. I really enjoy racing in Mugello - it is such a unique atmosphere and the track is amazing. It's always a tough race in Mugello but we will be doing all we can to keep improving and we'll certainly be aiming for our best result of the season so far!"


2009-05-26 | イラスト




2009-05-18 | レース
ヴァーミューレン、決勝は今季最高の結果に(17/05/2009 15:41pm)

Grand Prix de France Race Classification:
1. Jorge Lorenzo (Yamaha) 47'52.678:
2. Marco Melandri (Kawasaki) +17.710:
Dani Pedrosa (Honda) +19.893:
4. Andrea Dovizioso (Honda) +20.455:
5. Casey Stoner (Ducati) +30.539:


World Championship Classification:
1. Lorenzo 66:
2. Valentino Rossi (Yamaha) 65:
3. Stoner 65:
4. Pedrosa 57:
5. Melandri 43:






Vermeulen races to season best result so far(17/05/2009 15:41pm)

Chris Vermeulen made the most he could of very difficult conditions at Le Mans in France this afternoon to record his best result of the season so far.

The 28-lap race was declared wet after showers had soaked the 4'185m circuit and Vermeulen put his wet riding skills to good use by moving up into fourth place early on. As the strong winds and sporadic sunshine dried the track Vermeulen delayed his decision to come into the pits to change to his Suzuki GSV-R with slick tyres, for as long as possible. After he came in to change bikes he rejoined the race two places further down the field and although Vermeulen managed to get up to fifth, he wasn't able to hold that place and had to settle for sixth at the chequered flag.

Loris Capirossi took the brave step of coming in to change to dry tyres very early in the race and the gamble nearly cost him dearly as twice he lost grip on wet patches and ran off the track. Capirossi continued to battle on and although he never found a comfortable rhythm he still brought his machine home in eighth to score valuable points.

Today's race was watched by almost 76,000 fans at trackside who saw Yamaha rider Jorge Lorenzo storm to an impressive victory that also takes him to the top of the riders' championship.

Rizla Suzuki MotoGP now travels to Italy for the fifth round of the championship. The Italian Grand Prix will be at Mugello in Tuscany on Sunday 31st May and Capirossi will certainly be aiming to give his home fans something to cheer about.

Chris Vermeulen:
"It was a really difficult race - which I am sure everyone else will say. We started on wets and we hadn't done any wet testing so it was really tough for the engineers to get the bike set up for the conditions. They did a really good job and the bike felt reasonable, but if it had been a practice session we would certainly have come in to make changes. When the track started to dry out I saw Rossi crash and thought that it wasn't dry enough for slicks yet, so I stayed out a bit longer - probably a couple of laps too long - and it made things a bit difficult towards the end. We finished sixth and that is our best result so far this season and it gives us some good points. Now we are looking to improve on that in Mugello."

Loris Capirossi:
"We changed to a slick tyre really early on in the race and it was still a bit too wet to do that. It wasn't really a mistake, more a gamble that didn't work, as I made a couple of mistakes on the damp patches and ran off. I tried to keep my rhythm, but I found I had the same problem as yesterday that when the track dried out I just didn't have enough grip. I tried hard, but Colin went past in the last few laps and I just didn't have enough to attack him back. We have now finished our work here and we must try to take the good points from it and think about the future and the next couple of races."

Paul Denning - Team Manager:
"It was a typically interesting Le Mans Grand Prix today and the team did a good job by giving the riders the best equipment they could for wet and dry conditions. Our wet pace wasn't too bad but we have struggled with rear grip in cold and changeable conditions so far this season - which is something we have to improve, not Bridgestone - and today was no different. Our competitors seem to be able to get more traction than us and that told in the final result. Both Chris and Loris gave their maximum as always, and we've scored some reasonable points. Now we have to look forward to Loris's home race in Mugello in two-week's time and hopefully further updates to increase our performance in Barcelona soon after that."





2009-05-17 | レース

Grand Prix de France Qualifying Classification:
1. Dani Pedrosa (Honda) 1'33.974:
2. Jorge Lorenzo (Yamaha) +0.005:
3. Casey Stoner (Ducati) +0.075:
4. Valentino Rossi (Yamaha) +0.132:
5. Andrea Dovizioso +0.326:






Vermeulen just misses second row start

16/05/2009 15:34pm
Rizla Suzuki MotoGP racer Chris Vermeulen will start tomorrow's French Grand Prix from the front of the third row after narrowly missing out on securing a second row start at Le Mans today. Vermeulen has looked impressive all weekend on the 4,185m Bugatti Circuit and posted consistently quick laps throughout this morning's final practice session and in the hour of qualifying this afternoon. His best time of 1'34.676 from his 31 laps in the qualifying session gave him seventh place on the timesheets and only 0.702 seconds behind pole-setter Dani Pedrosa.

Team-Mate Loris Capirossi (1'34.839, 29 laps) will start alongside Vermeulen on the third row as he recorded the eighth quickest time this afternoon. Capirossi worked hard to get the confidence he needed in his Suzuki GSV-R and now believes that the extra performance he needs to be competitive must come from him tomorrow.

This afternoon's qualifying was held in sunny conditions with all the riders able to complete the full hour, as the rain stayed away. Track temperatures rose to 28?C, but a strong, cool wind meant that air temperatures never climbed above 16?C.

Vermeulen and Capirossi take to the track for tomorrow's 28-lap race at 14.00hrs local time (12.00hrs GMT) hoping that the expected rain doesn't materialise and that they are both able to get a good start and battle with the front runners.

Chris Vermeulen:
"Things went quite well all day today and this morning we took quite a big step forward with the bike. We tried to get everything working right as quickly as possible, but we had a sprinkle of rain this morning - so that was a bit of a pain - and we didn't quite get all the things done that we wanted to. This afternoon though was completely dry and the sun even popped its head out - which was nice! We got through everything we wanted to test on the bike and we got a bit more feeling which led to more confidence in the machine, then it was just down to doing fast lap-times. For me the soft rear tyre was the best for doing that and it felt quite consistent so it was the best tyre for qualifying - it might even be the race tyre. I am a bit disappointed to be back on the third row, but I've been getting good starts recently, so I need one of those tomorrow!"

Loris Capirossi:
"We had a bit more luck today with the weather and that certainly helped us to get the settings for the bike sorted. We did a lot of good work on the bike and tried a couple of different settings to see which worked the best for here. In the end I pushed a bit harder and the lap-time improved, but I still have a problem in the last section - especially in the final couple of corners - and I am losing a bit of time there. We will analyse the data this evening to try to make the improvements I need for tomorrow and I know it is not so easy for me in the last part, but I am sure I can make it up. The team has done a great job this weekend and now it is up to me!"

Paul Denning - Team Manager:
"It was a good team performance today. Loris's guys have definitely improved his confidence in the chassis and the overall package since yesterday and he was able to make a decent step forward. Chris has continued to run quick and consistent lap-times all weekend and looks very clean and confident on the bike. We would have preferred to have been on the front two rows and we know that if it is dry tomorrow we will be looking for a bit more pace so we can run competitively with the front guys."

