
go or stay

2010年01月05日 21時05分56秒 | LIFE
I've been thinking about my surgery and going to the states in a couple of months lately.
it's beacause I've had adenoids in my throat since i was a kid, it's necessary for me to take a surgery to remove it.
here's definition of adenoids from wiki.:There is very little lymphoid tissue in the nasopharynx of young babies; humans are born without substantial adenoids. The mat of lymphoid tissue called adenoids starts to get sizable during the first year of life. Just how big the adenoids become is quite variable between individual children.(

it's been bothering not only my breathing while sleeping but my work.
when call is busy speaking on the microphone forever, it starts preventing me from talking smoothly and causing me stuttering..
I've been said by some customers that my voice sounds unpleasant and makes anyone feel annoyed. one guy before said after hearing my voice and stuttering (i never mean to it!), "shut up bitch! what a heck your voice's like a flabby sound..Are you a drug addict or something huh??"
it completely broke my heart and made me decide to take a surgery right away. cuz i don't want anyone to say it again.
so to take a surgery I'll need to get some money without lending from anyone of course.

AND i've planned to go to the states to see Jeremy's family. trying to come up with any good idea to save money but i'll just take both two because both of these are very important for me now and for my life definitely! yea..there's no way to put them off.
what do i need? easy to!!



2 コメント

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jeremy (Unknown)
2010-01-05 22:09:00
hun its all ok i support your decision of what u want to do
Unknown (meg)
2010-01-06 08:56:14
thanks hun. i might need your help. should be asking guys to give me some bucks :p sigh..