クリス・コルファー ニュース Chris Colfer News


PaleyFest2011 about Klaine Kiss

2011-03-17 | 引用
PaleyFest2011 クリス、ダレン、ライアンが Klaine Kiss について語っています

Chris: I was surprised it happened so soon after Blaine talking to Burt about the whole, you know, sex conversation. But no, I thought, "About time!"

Darren: Somebody asked me outside, "Was it the right time?" and I said, "Well, it certainly wasn't the wrong time." Yeah. I thought… it's easy for us, because the relationship was - the foundation was laid out so well to the point where a moment like that was so easily fallen into. So, um, it certainly felt right. It was a really special time.

Ryan: I think we always knew they'd be together because I think for me, it was always very important that the Kurt character gets a happy ending, and it was important to me that he, particularly after the bullying storyline, has a moment of joy, and I just wanted that. As somebody who loves that character and loves Chris, I wanted that. And I think that when we were talking about the episode, it was very clear that the Warblers would lose… so we thought that that scene that we spent six weeks trying to find the right tree… I thought that line that Darren says to Chris about the true prize in life, I dunno, it just worked. And we didn't have any plan about it. We just talked about it and we like, "This is the one. Let's do that."




