


2013-01-19 03:34:20 | 日記


It's try to put all your life and heart in music cause man just don't know. It suggest find something worth doing while you're here.

No one is more nearly omnipotent than those who are patient in this world. As for the talent, it is (cont) tl.gd/ko6b9f

Since nature and the body move the time of there being illusion, etc. by the music of a favorite genre.

I will start with gratitude so that nature and a smiling face may come out today also. A backer of bold action is music.

I go with the schedule which performs wonderful appearance. That's right, the target displayed (cont) tl.gd/kob1lb

It make you with happiness richly if it chase self-growth and others contribution.

She can get fate by will. There is no non-fate in a life. It happens that it is required only for a reason. Therefore, she can do her best.

