


2012-07-18 03:03:27 | 日記
07:13 from TweetList!
The surf trip to Shikoku. It is an on shore, but enjoys search for point in ROUTE55 from Tokushima to Kochi. pic.twitter.com/tQLzRiii

11:15 from TweetList!
I rely and reflect with putting it off an excuse a deception. Today's sea taking it easy. pic.twitter.com/HQdJUYWC

14:40 from TweetList!
A hurdle of the growth of my soul is clear and music is indispensable. I can handle fate richly freely. I raise sensitivity and can approach

16:48 from TweetList!
人は前世で知っていた多くの事を現世でも覚えていて、進化して行く…スピリチュアルなのは人間 pic.twitter.com/FgiTc3fM

17:00 from TweetList!
I can get luck by willpower. It is led to the high soul. The life does not have the misfortune. Only a necessary thing happens.

by superkoolman on Twitter

