


2013-10-16 04:06:11 | 日記

Even what with which that even whom only failure assumes has a bad flow prescribes medicine to a (cont) tl.gd/mqon70

The effort doesn't betray you.
The experience of piling up by the process is connected with (cont) tl.gd/mqonm3

It can meet oneself is strong and new with a delicate mind by repeating an action experience by throwing away lazy mind.

Live like Spongebob. Laugh out loud all day without any reason, and annoy the mean people with your happiness.

2 件 リツイートされました

Only time is a treasure given equally.
Whether effectively uses it is a talent, and can become a (cont) tl.gd/mqpj7n

The person keeps the unlimited potential secret respectively. There is left too, if the right is useless. Secret of flexibility.

It is said that life must not be decided with the measure of the person and others whom illusion (cont) tl.gd/mqru3e

Even what with which that even whom only failure assumes has a bad flow prescribes medicine to a (cont) tl.gd/mqs0rs

Please promote some switches to play. Because it is analog a sound that like becomes clear and rehabilitation memorizes though it takes time