


2013-03-30 04:23:38 | 日記

Naturally I'm going to spend the journey ahead with a new feeling. I connect to the music evoke the best moment.

Lives as it's a desire to the utmost, it learns, and the person is benefited, the ideal actually (cont) tl.gd/le1j81

Motion to change the activation emotional music.Playing percussion beat the rhythm but ticking own string the melody.

人の言う事に左右されず自分で決める事だ…人を責める事なく、依存しなくなり、少しづつ自信が湧き、明るくなり、人が集まるようになる☆ Inspire?

A feeling to believe oneself without being bewildered by another person is important. And trust it. Good morning Today significantly.

取り戻そうと気合い入り過ぎの方…ハウツー本から得た知識は覚えて、人に伝えようなんて考えたりするから手軽さだけで身に付かないし依存心が高まり、不遇の時ほど誰でもいいから側にいてほしいと空回りするだけ… good job

To oneself great of the supporta message. Please expect it and your music lets you do so it to the future.

When the dream is really pursued, the age isn't a problem. It's important that it pursue the dream (cont) tl.gd/le3834

Freedom of power of expression -- told with a thought of it a sight will revive from music there at (cont) tl.gd/le53us

loses sight of it original when person's eyes worry too much more than the necessity seem and loses one's breath.

The example about a problem is given. People overlook an error unexpected as a problem which (cont) tl.gd/le75mo