


2012-08-05 03:11:53 | 日記
06:20 from TweetList!
There is not stress and can live easily if I give it up the life. When I decide readiness and begin to move, unexpected possibility spreads.

06:20 from TweetList!
The feeling will participate in the Olympics ?

07:44 from TweetList!
It is always vegetarian or a friendly competition

14:27 from Popular Hit Songs
@superkoolmanさんの青春の一曲】Heatwave - Boogie Nights(1977年) 懐かしの洋楽ヒット曲がいっぱい!→bit.ly/rNBwCm #洋楽ヒットソング

14:38 from TweetList!
Music reaction caused by the image.

15:13 from iHandy Translator
Energetic live tonight. The training sessions with high durability thanks to the sound source. Fun!

17:32 from iHandy Translator
Pull out the nature of magic and miracles happen and dreams. Fact is there.

20:29 from TweetList!
Its my close friend even if I dont remember that I was able to come across music whether its about time when what time of since I met you.

22:01 from TweetList!
Best 4 for the first time in 44 years, congratulations. Try medal acquisition hard ?

by superkoolman on Twitter