


2012-05-03 03:07:19 | 日記
04:23 RT from TweetList!  [ 1 RT ]
Ideas dont stay in some minds very long because they dont like solitary confinement. #teamfollowback
Tatum Bastidasさんのツイート

04:55 from iHandy Translator
Intuition as drowned out a cry of the heart, eliminating the rain along with music in rich image to spread their wings.

08:47 from Keitai Web

18:03 from TweetList!
If it draws that he considers and appreciating near, it will come out one step in front on its own initiative.

21:21 from TweetList!
☆潜在的な《気》ベクトル→マクロの論理…小手先テク不用、直観の後に論理的思考が出来る←経営者…平常に対処→優先順位…戦略レベル pic.twitter.com/EoZ5iTm3

22:15 from TweetList!
Wade through one of the passions, vegetarian every day.

by superkoolman on Twitter