07:15 from Popular Hit Songs
【@superkoolmanさんの青春の一曲】Sade - Smooth Operator(1985年) 懐かしの洋楽ヒット曲がいっぱい!→bit.ly/rNBwCm #洋楽ヒットソング
08:26 from Keitai Web
Invitation to the sun.
11:22 from Keitai Web
Activation, changing the emotional music and motion. Percussion instrument is ticking beat, strings playing the rhythm, melody yourself.
by superkoolman on Twitter
【@superkoolmanさんの青春の一曲】Sade - Smooth Operator(1985年) 懐かしの洋楽ヒット曲がいっぱい!→bit.ly/rNBwCm #洋楽ヒットソング
08:26 from Keitai Web
Invitation to the sun.
11:22 from Keitai Web
Activation, changing the emotional music and motion. Percussion instrument is ticking beat, strings playing the rhythm, melody yourself.
by superkoolman on Twitter