
MTGだったり、Vintageだったり、Type1だったり・・・同じか。 (..;)


2004年09月24日 | Weblog
Star City Games で世界選手権の対戦記を読んでみました。
さすがに世界大会2位の方の記事だけあって、「おお♪」というプレイングをしているのですが、中でも「VS Dragon」のところはイイ勉強させていただけました。


ワタクシ「Tormod's Crypt」を見くびっておりました。

以下「VS Dragon」の記事の一部を載せます。

Game 2: The Magic Gods smile upon me, as my Tormod's Crypt appears in my starting hand, along with Wasteland, Volcanic Island, 2 Goblin Welders, Crucible of Worlds, Thirst for Knowledge. He plays a land and a Mox and passes. I play Tormod's Crypt and Goblin Welder. On my second turn, I wasteland his land, and draw another Wasteland. I still have the Crucible of Worlds in my hand, but no third land appears. He Intuitions for 3 Worldgorger Dragon, and two go to his graveyard. He lays a Bazaar of Baghdad and uses it, discarding Squee, Goblin Nabob, Worldgorger Dragon, and Ambassador Laquatus. He tries to bait me into using my Tormod's Crypt saying something like "I guess you'll probably wipe out my whole graveyard now", but I am wise in the ways of the Jedi, and I do not walk into Necromancy. I finally draw a third land and play Crucible of Worlds with two active Welders on the table. During his turn, he casts Animate Dead on his Worldgorger Dragon. I respond with a Tormod's Crypt activation. He responds with Necromancy, but I weld the Crucible out bringing the Tormod's Crypt back into play and use it. He scoops.






