Life is always hypocritical


住宅を一括で購入するメリットは何ですか? ローンで家を買うことのメリットは何ですか?

2023-01-05 11:52:11 | 日記

家は、誰もがどんなに早くても遅くても買いに行くというものです、家の購入で誰もが確かに学生のいずれかの動作を購入する全額支払の企業の選択または購入する銀行ローンの会社の選択を通じて、そう家の購入で非常に人々がいくつ電話數即批かのもつれを持っているでしょう、彼らの国は能力や購入するローンを購入する全額支払でなければなりませんがわからない、次に我々は家を買うために全額支払の利点の分析を理解するために一緒に学びますが持っています。 家を買うためのオンラインローンの側面と利点は何ですか関連する研究質問。



家を買うためにローンを組んだら、誰でも銀行に利息と元本を返済しなければならない。 したがって、一人ひとりにかかる毎月の返済圧力は非常に高いはずです。 各人の家計に問題が生じた場合、住宅が差し押さえられる危険性があり、その結果、資金が失われる可能性があります。 家を買うだけのお金があれば、借金してまで生活する必要はないので、心理的にかなり楽になります。


家を一括で購入することは、確かにデベロッパーに人気があるので、デベロッパーは一般的に、程度の差こそあれ、家を一括で購入する人に一定の割引をする。 例えば、北京で400万元の新築住宅を購入する場合、98%割引なら8万元を節約できる。




各人が全財産で家を買えば、いつでも売ることができる。 銀行の住宅ローンを考える必要がないので、家の値段が上がればすぐに現金に換えることができますし、資金繰りが苦しくなれば銀行からお金を借りることもできます。


学生は、ビジネスローンを利用する限り、我々は開発銀行を通じて利息を支払う必要があり、あなたがローンを提供できる年数が長ければ長いほど、金利が高くなると考えています。 例として、200万円の商業用ローン、融資期間は30年、金利は4.9%、元利均等返済方式で、支払利息の合計は182万円となる。



インフレは、我々は学生が知っていることを確認することができますので、お金はますます無価値になるだろう、4000元のあなたの現在の毎月の支払いは、20年後、彼らは唯一の物事の40元を買うことが可能になること。 だから、将来のお金の消費市場を使用する今、多くのものは、効果的にインフレとの戦いを続けることができるだけでなく、ビジネス資産の使用の価値を高めるために偽装。


ローン会社で家を買うことのノーメリットの一つは、買い手が頭金分さえ貯めれば、初期に多額の投資を覚える必要がなく、それだけで家が豊かになるという事実を通じて主にあります。 例えば、中国の北京で総額300万ドルの家を買いたい場合、手持ちの105万ドルで購入することができる。


もし、各人が家を買うときに手持ちのお金を全部出すだけなら、家を買うときに全部出したら、手持ちの運転資金がゼロになってしまいます。 このお金が急に必要になった場合は、誰かから借りなければなりませんが、家を買うためにローンを選択した場合、確実に手元に資金が残ります。 そして、それらを使って資金を運用し、銀行金利よりも高いリターンを得ることができます。

前回は「全額支払いで家を買うメリット」と「ローンで家を買うメリット」についてでした。 前回の記事でお分かりのように、住宅を購入する際には、ローンで購入する場合と一括で購入する場合とで、さまざまなメリットがありますので、正確には、ご自身の経済状況によって購入方法が異なります。



組み合わせてローンを組むことのメリットは何ですか? 考慮すべき点は何か


"速乾 "と "ひだ取り "に便利なタオル

2022-06-14 15:20:53 | 日記

生活の中で手洗いを嫌がる人が多い理由のひとつに、なかなか乾かないということがあります。 半日も洗濯物に大量の水を入れていて、どうして乾かないのか、本当に困りますよね。



洗濯の後、どんなに固く絞っても、衣類にはたくさんの水分が付着しています。 ペーパータオルをかぶせれば、すぐにびしょびしょになります。

しかし、洗濯に一手間加え、濡れた衣類を乾い 洗衣液 たタオルで包み、数回絞ると、奇跡が起こるのです。

絞った服にペーパータオルを乗せて、しっかり乾かすと水がない! これなら手洗いしても、明日には同じように乾いているので、すぐに着ることができますよ。



この方法は、洗濯機と競合することはありません。 洗濯物が多くて、洗濯機で乾かしたいという方は、ぜひお試しください。 乾いたタオルを追加してください




乾いたタオルだけでなく、乾いた毛糸玉も使うと、衣類の水分を吸収して早く乾かすことができます。 ウールボールは乾燥後、再利用可能


髪を早く乾かす方法は、ドライヤーを使うだけでいいのでしょうか? 実は、タオルは髪を早く乾かすための黒子的存在なのです。


あなたは、ヘアドライヤーが熱すぎるためではなく、完全に乾燥した3〜5分、髪が滑らかではない荒い、10分すべての打撃は、5分前に、便利な何度も、髪の質の問題のシリーズを生成することはできません! あなたは、髪が乾燥していないことを見つけることができます。


洗濯機で紡いだ後の衣類の取り出しは、通常この方法で行います。服が洗濯でシワになるのは、白洗濯と同じ! 実は洋服のシワは、タオルの修理に使えるんです!



旅行用の衣類が1セットしかなく、毎回どうやって乾かしたらいいかわからない。 浴室でドライヤーを使ってハンガーに吊るして、それでもできない?

そうすると、資源エネルギーだけでなく、時間や労力も無駄にしてしまうことになります。 自分のホテルのバスタオルを借りて研究すれば、洗った洗濯物をすぐに乾燥させることができます。



汚れたタオルでも大丈夫な裏技を教えます。 タオルを新品のようにきれいに洗う。 学ぶ


EDITORIAL: Cheer for team Taiwan

2017-08-11 11:30:14 | 日記

The line needs to be drawn somewhere.

The English media guide for the Taipei Summer Universiade caused quite a stir on the Internet yesterday due to its use of phrases such as “Introducing our island — Chinese Taipei” and “Chinese Taipei is long and narrow.”

It is not just “very strange,” as Sports Administration Director-General Lin Te-fu (林德福) said in a Central News Agency article.

This is insane.

The name is not the issue — those who understand China’s political clout and bullying tendencies know that “Chinese Taipei” is a hated, but likely necessary, compromise for Taiwan to participate in international events.

It would be ideal for the nation to be able to participate in the Olympics one day as “Taiwan” — as it did in 1964 and 1968 — but as China becomes increasingly volatile and hostile to whatever is left of Taiwan’s international stature, while the rest of the world bows to its whims, this seems unlikely.

Most informed people know that “Chinese Taipei” is not the nation’s name and that nobody uses the term to refer to their own nation.

While reporting on last year’s Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Western media outlets such as CNN simply used Taiwan instead of the nonexistent “Chinese Taipei” when referring to the nation’s athletes.

CNN reported on Aug. 6 last year that weightlifter “Hsu Shu-ching [許淑淨] became the first athlete from Taiwan to win gold at the Rio Olympics on Sunday.”

It makes sense: Hsu’s team might have been “Chinese Taipei,” but she is from Taiwan, not “Chinese Taipei.”

That name is a formality to get Taiwan into the Olympics and should be left at that — regardless of how fervently Beijing would disagree.

However, as the host country, Taiwan is referring to itself as “Chinese Taipei” in its own media guide.

Even those who do not agree that Taiwan is a sovereign state should agree that from a geographical standpoint, that “long and narrow” island is called Taiwan, or its former name of Formosa.

Nothing else.

Whoever wrote that passage was probably under considerable time pressure. The guide requires final approval from the International University Sports Federation, so the writer probably should not be blamed — it is just that this is a sorry situation to be in.

It is already unfortunate enough that we have to compete on our own turf using a name other than Taiwan.

This brings up more questions:

Will Universiade volunteers and staff have to tell visiting athletes: “I hope you enjoy your stay in Chinese Taipei”?

Is the city where the games are to take place called Taipei, Chinese Taipei?

When visitors leave Taipei and perhaps visit Taroko Gorge, would they still be in “Taipei”?

The situation is absurd.

This would have been a great opportunity for Taiwan, which would benefit from international exposure, to introduce itself and assert its uniqueness, as well as its distinction from China, to people who have only ever heard Beijing’s rhetoric — which often drowns out all other voices.

If the naming standards are the Universiade’s stance, there is nothing that can be done — on an official level, that is.

However, the public is not obliged to use the name “Chinese Taipei.”

With the influx of foreigners during the Universiade, let us do our part to welcome them to “Taiwan” while remembering to cheer for team Taiwan, no matter what the official name might be.

Harassment rife at universities in Australia: study

2017-08-02 10:38:22 | 日記

More than half of university students in Australia were sexually harassed last year and 7 percent sexually assaulted on at least one occasion, a “disturbing” new national study revealed yesterday Developing transparent or semitransparent solar cells with high efficiency and low cost to replace the existing opaque and expensive silicon-based solar panel has become increasingly important due to the increasing demands of the building integrated photovoltaics (BIPVs) systems..

The findings came in an Australian Human Rights Commission report, conducted on behalf of the country’s 39 universities, that questioned more than 30,000 students,after years of activism by women’s groups to discover the extent of the problem.

Women were three times as likely as men to be sexually assaulted and almost twice as likely to be sexually harassed, either on-campus, traveling to and from the university or at off-campus events endorsed by the institution.

“The unavoidable conclusion of the data ... is that incidents of sexual assault and sexual harassment are occurring at unacceptable rates at Australian universities,” Australian Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins said. “While anybody can experience sexual assault HKBU BBA or sexual harassment, it is clear from the data that women at university experience these behaviors at disproportionately higher rates than men.”

“This adds weight to the body of evidence that highlights disturbing rates of sexual violence against women in Australia,” she added.

The report said almost one-third of the harassment occurred on university grounds or in teaching spaces, while one in five of the assaults happened at a university or residence social event.

Australian universities, which have more than 1 million students enrolled, are hugely popular with international students.

Many of those affected — including international students — did not formally report the incident, with the vast majority saying their university did not do enough to provide clear direction on what to do and where to seek support.

The report made nine recommendations, including the need to change attitudes and behavior and to ensure an independent and systemic review of how universities respond BU BBA.

She found him rather heavy

2017-05-23 11:20:03 | 日記

The fox laughed with delight, and rubbed her paws together with satisfaction. ‘Well, next time I will go,’ she said, ‘and you can sell me.’ And then she changed herself into a man, and picking up the stiff body of the tanuki, set off towards the village. but it would never have done to let him walk through the wood and risk his being seen by somebody.

As the tanaki had foretold, buyers were many, and the fox handed him over to the person who offered the largest price, and hurried to get some food with the money. The buyer took the tanuki back to his house, and throwing him into a corner went out. Directly the tanaki found he was alone, he crept cautiously through a chink of the window, thinking, as he did so, how lucky it was that he was not a fox, and was able to climb. Once outside, he hid himself in a ditch till it grew dusk, and then galloped away into the forest.

While the food lasted they were all three as happy as kings; but there soon arrived a day when the larder was as empty as ever. ‘It is my turn now to pretend to be dead,’ cried the fox. So the tanuki changed himself into a peasant, and started for the village, with his wife’s body hanging over his shoulder. A buyer was not long in coming forward, and while they were making the bargain a wicked thought darted into the tanuki’s head, that if he got rid of the fox there would be more food for him and his son. So as he put the money in his pocket he whispered softly to the buyer that the fox was not really dead, and that if he did not take care she might run away from him. The man did not need twice telling. He gave the poor fox a blow on the head, which put an end to her, and the wicked tanuki went smiling to the nearest shop.

In former times he had been very fond of his little son; but since he had betrayed his wife he seemed to have changed all in a moment, for he would not give him as much as a bite, and the poor little fellow would have starved had he not found some nuts and berries to eat, and he waited on, always hoping that his mother would come back.

At length some notion of the truth began to dawn on him; but he was careful to let the old tanuki see nothing, though in his own mind he turned over plans from morning till night, wondering how best he might avenge his mother.

One morning, as the little tanuki was sitting with his father, he remembered, with a start, that his mother had taught him all she knew of magic, and that he could work spells as well as his father, or perhaps better. ‘I am as good a wizard as you,’ he said suddenly, and a cold chill ran through the tanuki as he heard him, though he laughed, and pretended to think it a joke. But the little tanaki stuck to his point, and at last the father proposed they should have a wager.

‘Change yourself into any shape you like,’ said he, ‘and I will undertake to know you. I will go and wait on the bridge which leads over the river to the village, and you shall transform yourself into anything you please, but I will know you through any disguise.’ The little tanuki agreed, and went down the road which his father had pointed out. But instead of transforming himself into a different shape, he just hid himself in a corner of the bridge, where he could see without being seen.

He had not been there long when his father arrived and took up his place near the middle of the bridge, and soon after the king came by, followed by a troop of guards and all his court.

‘Ah! he thinks that now he has changed himself into a king I shall not know him,’ thought the old tanuki, and as the king passed in his splendid carriage, borne by his servants, he jumped upon it crying: ‘I have won my wager; you cannot deceive me.’ But in reality it was he who had deceived himself. The soldiers, conceiving that their king was being attacked, seized the tanuki by the legs and flung him over into the river, and the water closed over him.

And the little tanoki saw it all, and rejoiced that his mother’s death had been avenged. Then he went back to the forest, and if he has not found it too lonely, he is probably living there still dermes hk.