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The Importance of Data Analytics in News releases Is Growing

2022-01-29 02:34:02 | 日記

Hong Kong - To write a good press release, in addition to having a good story, professional data analysis is also very important.

Communication has developed into a more data-informed, data-driven industry. Maybe SEAPRWire team need to do more data analysis to make sure their content and strategy are data-driven.

Recently, a well-known news agency released a report on global communication in 2021.The report surveyed more than 500 senior communications professionals.

Stories are important, but data is increasingly king - 91% of those polled say great PR experts must be strong data analysts. Increasingly, PR pros must be able to collect data and use it to capitalize on opportunities and convert it into actionable insights. But roughly 50% of comms leaders say that conversion was their biggest challenge related to communications measurement. SEAPRWire team still feel better about using data – 83% of respondents answered affirmatively when asked if comms can effectively measure and prove the impact of their work on business objectives, up from 76% two years ago. Who do SEAPRWire team target? – PR pros and brands are better than ever at being able to measure how (and by who) their content is being consumed.

Globally, more and more focus is going away from blanket coverage in traditional media and more toward focusing on directly engaging the end user/target audience. Almost eight in 10 pros say their campaigns focused on the latter. Even when brands target journalists, they don't feel confident they targeted the right ones – in a repeat from last year's report, only 25% of respondents say they are "always" able to identify the right journalists and influencers for their stories. New avenues, types and amounts of content during COVID – When asked how they changed their strategies in the past year, respondents' top two answers were that they increased engagement and explored new platforms. PR grows in stature in the senior management – 87% of respondents say the senior management has sought the counsel of comms more in the past year, with the majority attributing it to COVID-19

As a leader in PR, marketing and social media management technology and intelligence, SEAPRWire team helps brands and organizations to identify, connect and engage with customers and stakeholders to drive business results.

About SEAPRWire

SEAPRWire is the top-up newswire in Southeast Asia. It offers PR distribution service to all Southeast Asia regions, including: Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Hong Kong and Taiwan. SEAPRWire has a network of media editors, journalists, magazines, newspapers and PR agencies. It also cooperates with top wire services like JCN Newswire, Factiva, Eiko Reuters, Bloomberg, Yahoo, MarketWatch, BusinessInsider. SEAPRWire can distribute press releases in multi-linguages, such as: Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Indonesian ...

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Contact: Tina, Marketing Manager




SEAPRWire Brings People Tips for Writing a Press Release

2022-01-27 19:20:10 | 日記

Writing a quality news release that the media picks up and the public engages with is a specialized and acquired skill. SEAPRWire can help people acquire with our best tips for writing a press release.

  1. Start with a Relevant, Newsworthy Topic

For anyone to pay attention to their press release, it needs to have a news angle. Before people start writing, ask yourself:

Why will the audience care about this story?

Is this story relevant to my target audience?

It's important to remember that a news release is an official statement provided to the media as well as current and potential customers. Therefore, people need to focus on writing about a relevant and newsworthy topic.

Even in the digital age, the media still counts on news releases for pulling story ideas. But, now more than ever, they're short on time and need content that is clear and concise. Always give the why in the first sentence. Then, follow closely behind with the who, what, when, and where.

Making sure to draw attention to why the news is essential increases their chance of media pick-up. Most of the time, the media ignores their news release because people buried the lede.

As people consider the news release topics, also consider unique approaches to them that will make them more relevant and newsworthy to their audience.

  1. Grab Them with a Good Headline

Their news release starts with the headline. Think of it as people would the first impression with a client or their first date. To stand out, it needs to be catchy as well as informative. Be clear about why their news release is important and relevant to their audience.

Headline writing tips:

Include numbers: People respond to numbers in headlines. Several studies show headlines with numbers generate 73% more social shares and engagement.

Action Words: Using verbs in their headline gives a sense of urgency and grabs the attention of readers.

Use interesting adjectives: Adjectives provide descriptors that give their headline a boost to make them attractive to their audience.

Keep it accurate: Including numbers and attention-grabbing language only works if the headline accurately describes their press release. Writing a misleading headline will ensure readers lose trust and avoid their content in the future.

  1. Keep it short

With an ever-intensifying news cycle that runs 24/7 across media platforms, audiences want short, clear, and concise content.

A news release should give just enough information to pique the reader's attention and make them want to find out more. Keep it to one page, two max. Get to the point and stay on point throughout the release. People need to provide all the relevant information a journalist needs to write their story, without wasting time repeating yourself.

Including links is an excellent way to direct journalists and readers to further information. This will also increase search page rankings for their website when a reader visits a link people included in their press release. Just don't overdo it, and don't repeat links. Try to keep it to one to three unique links, or one link per 100 words.

  1. Call to Action

What is the purpose of their press release? What action do people want the reader to take? A strong call-to-action lets their audience know what they need to do next.

The majority of readers will not read their whole press release, so keep their CTA high in the text. Think somewhere between the first and third paragraphs. Don't make the mistake of throwing a for more information line at the end and think that will get anyone to visit their website or click-to-buy.

For a CTA to be effective, it needs to:

Stand out: The CTA should standalone, to draw attention from the rest of their text.

Formatting: Use bold and italics to draw attention to the CTA.

Include a link: Use the full URL, so their audience knows where they're going. Keep the hyperlinks for the rest of the text.

And remember, a hyperlink in the middle of a sentence is not a CTA.

  1. Include Quotes

A quote can provide an added sense of authority to their press release. Including a quote from a senior executive or industry expert shows their audience and search engines that people are a reliable and knowledgeable source for a given topic.

Additionally, journalists continue to go to news releases for quotes. Most will pull the quote directly from their release to use in their article. People want to make sure to use natural language. Read it out loud to ensure it sounds like something a real person would say. And keep it short. Again, people want it to sound natural, so something four or more sentences is too long.

Writing a news release can seem deceptively simple. It's short and can come off as formulaic, but that's what can make it challenging to write. So, be patient. Focus on their audience's wants and needs, and make sure to write how humans speak. It may take a few tries, but practice can bring great results.

About SEAPRWire

SEAPRWire is the top-up newswire in Southeast Asia. It offers PR distribution service to all Southeast Asia regions, including: Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Hong Kong and Taiwan. SEAPRWire has a network of media editors, journalists, magazines, newspapers and PR agencies. It also cooperates with top wire services like JCN Newswire, Factiva, Eiko Reuters, Bloomberg, Yahoo, MarketWatch, BusinessInsider. SEAPRWire can distribute press releases in multi-linguages, such as: Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Indonesian ...

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Telegram: @seaprwire

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Company: SEAPRWire

Contact: Tina, Marketing Manager




What Mistakes Should Be Avoided When Writing News release Headlines

2022-01-23 01:24:27 | 日記

The headline is the most important part of their news release published on SEAPRWire. Do NOT take this lightly. If their headline doesn't work, then that poignant quote from their CEO in paragraph 3 or even that big announcement in the first sentence do not matter – because they are much less likely to get read. Readers (and search engines) have limited attention spans. Very limited. If people do not grab their attention with their headline, their news release will not get the visibility people seek.

SEAPRWire want people to get maximum exposure for their press release, so SEAPRWire put together a list of the 6 biggest news release headline mistakes (and best practices to fix them).

1) No Keywords in Headline- People did not include relevant keyword phrases in their headline. The (little known) incredible power of Google News is that it takes keywords from the first 65 characters of their headline, and it then shows their news release when people search for these keyword phrases in Google News, AND oftentimes in Google web search results. People may have noticed when people search for something in Google that one section of the first page of results is dedicated to recent news on those search keywords.

If people have included important keyword phrases in their headline, people have a chance to instantly jump in front of hundreds of millions of search results and be on the first page of Google results. (Note that it is very hard to rank for a single keyword, so think of a relevant 3 word string of words)


BAD: "ABC Corporation announces new product line for fall 2021": For this one their release might show up in Google for their company name, but there are no other specific keywords in this headline that people might be searching for that could lead to their press release. It's just too general.

Good: "Boston Startup ABC to launch Solar Smartphone at XYZ Tech Conference": Ok so now people have something more specific for search engines to grab on to. First it may show up for search terms like "Solar Smartphone" or "XYZ Tech Conference" or even "Boston Startup" or "Smartphone Startup". These are some juicy relevant keywords for their business that their release may start showing for in Google search results!

2) Too Long- Their headline is too long. Google only shows and indexes the first ~65 characters of their headline, so ideally people keep it within this length. If people do go up to 100 characters, be sure their most important keywords are in the first 65 characters. Readers also tune out quickly with lengthy headlines, so use their best wordsmithing skills and nail those first 65 characters.

3) Boring- Their headline does not grab a reader's attention. Don't assume that a person will keep reading to get to the interesting part of their announcement in paragraph 2 (or even the first paragraph). Get their attention right away. Think about it as if people have 10 words to get someone's interest. If people were pitching their announcement to a writer at the New York Times (or even a friend) and only had 10 words to do so, what would they be? This should be close to their headline.

BAD: "AAA Inc announces new theme park for kids": This headline has nothing for readers to get excited about. What kind of theme park? Is it near me or across the world? I don't have time for this…next story.

Good: "Life-size Dinosaur theme park for kids to open in Central Park from Trex AAA". Ok so with this news release SEAPRWire know more about it. It's about dinosaurs, it's in Central Park, it's for kids, and the dinosaurs are life-size. Interesting enough to read more about it.

4) ALL CAPS– People wrote their headline in all caps. Yes it is true to that people traditionally capitalized every letter of the news release headline. But in the online world, all-caps is frowned upon and may even get their release blocked from Google News. People can capitalize the first letter of words, but do not capitalize every letter in the headline.

5) Unknown Sender– People did not include their company name or spokesperson or product in the headline. To comply with most news release requirements, the issuing company name or product or spokesperson must be in the headline. This distinguishes it from a regular news article. Don't necessarily put their full legal company name in the headline (Ex. "ZZZ Enterprises Incorporated) as that takes up valuable keyword real estate, but have a name in there.

BAD: "New book analyzes reality TV in Japan": It just sounds like a an article or a review and may not be picked up a as press release.

Good: "Real Tokyo, a new book by John analyzes reality TV in Japan": Not only does it identify the issuer of the release, but it also adds some good keywords into the title.

6) No Location- For locally-based releases people did not include the location. Remember, their release is going be found all over the web, so if their announcement is location based (ex. an event in London, a spa in Los Angeles, a concert in Sydney) it is wise to include the city in the headline to show up in both local search results and also catch local reader's interest.

BAD: "Fifth Annual 'End to Cancer' Charity Gala Event Set for Fall 2021". Where is it?

Good: "Fifth Annual 'End to Cancer' Charity Gala in Dallas Set for Fall 2021". Because it is a local event (Dallas, Texas), their likelihood of getting a local reader or editor's attention will go way up with the city in the headline.

Fix these 6 mistakes and their are going to see a lot more views for their news releases.

About SEAPRWire

SEAPRWire is the top-up newswire in Southeast Asia. It offers PR distribution service to all Southeast Asia regions, including: Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Hong Kong and Taiwan. SEAPRWire has a network of media editors, journalists, magazines, newspapers and PR agencies. It also cooperates with top wire services like JCN Newswire, Factiva, Eiko Reuters, Bloomberg, Yahoo, MarketWatch, BusinessInsider. SEAPRWire can distribute press releases in multi-linguages, such as: Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Indonesian ...

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Telegram: @seaprwire

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Company: SEAPRWire

Contact: Tina, Marketing Manager




The Difference between Distributing press releases and Pitching the Press

2022-01-21 09:36:58 | 日記

If people are new to Public Relations (PR), SEAPRWire will work with people to understand the difference between distributing a news release and pitching the press.

Distributing a Press Release:

This marketing initiative involves writing a 1-2 page news release announcement for their company, uploading it to one of the online news release distribution services, who then distributes it (and sometimes publishes it directly) to a network of search engines, news websites, and social media. This announcement then gets published verbatim across these news websites and internet platforms.

Guaranteed Coverage: Pickup of their news release is pretty much guaranteed if people use an online news release distribution service. How? Because reputable services partner with news sites that agree to publish each press release.

Affordable: People are not paying too much, then people can get some web coverage for their business.

Fast: Once people submit a press release, people can typically get pick up in Google and news sites within a few hours

Longevity Online: People searching in Google News or Google often come across news releases distributed weeks, months or even years earlier.

Positive Message: With a press release, people control the entire message, so people can be assured of positive and accurate coverage for their company.

Reach: By being published on Google News and other news websites, their news release can reach readers of all types, from journalists researching a story to potential customers, investors, partners, and others. It even gives existing customers and employees confidence to see their company active in the news.


Not Exclusive: By definition a news release is not an exclusive for a writer in the media, so they may consider it stale news once it has been published as a press release. So it is not a good way to pitch press writers.

Not front page news: News releases are almost never republished on the front page or even in the main sections of online news websites. The news websites reserve the front page and the main sections of their publication for original stories written by their writers.

Pitching the Press:

A pitch is a story idea which typically involves their company or client. This marketing effort involves creating a target list of publications and websites that are relevant to their pitch, identifying the writers or editors which cover their specific area or location at these media outlets, and then individually and personally contacting them to let them know about their upcoming news or topic idea to try to get them to write a story about their company.


Original Coverage: To get an original story written about or including their company is a big deal and can have a huge impact on their business. It may drive new sales or give their company more credibility in their industry. One of these stories can benefit their company for years. The value of an original story in an important publication far exceeds the value of a pickup of their general news release on news sites.

Longevity online: Similar to a news release but even better, an old story about their company may be found in Google News or Google for a long time.

SEO value: Oftentimes, earned media (rather than paid for) isn't subject to the same SEO restrictions as paid media (ads, news releases, etc) and the links can be 'follow' links, which in turn can help their SEO value.


No Guarantees: People may pitch 100 writers and get ignored 100 times. There are no guarantees of any coverage when pitching the press

Expensive: If people hire a publicist or PR firm, people are likely looking at a monthly retainer of $2,000-$15,000 for a minimum of 3-6 months. If people do it in-house, it may not cost anything more but it will take time.

Time-consuming: It takes time to come up with good pitch ideas, research relevant writers, and contact them one by one with a personal note about their pitch including why it builds on a topic they cover, or would be of great interest to their readers. Ideally people rank their target list, and offer each writer one by one an exclusive on the story before contacting the next writer on the list, particularly if people have something where an exclusive matters (a new market report, first look at a product launch, other big news). It takes a lot of time waiting to see if a writer is interested. Sometimes it may take a year or more just to build a relationship with a writer where they respond to their emails. Even if people do get a writer to cover their company with a story, it may take weeks or months to get it published.

Story Uncertainty: Unlike a press release, the writer can write whatever they want. People do not control the narrative. Sometimes the writer gets the story slightly wrong, or potentially can write a negative piece. Of course, they can do this whether or not people pitch them.

SEAPRWire would suggest using both PR tactics, first pitching writers and then issuing a press release. If people get a positive original story from their pitch, it can be incredibly valuable. So try that first. After attempting to pitch, issue a news release on the topic for some guaranteed web and search engine coverage on their company. PR is just one aspect of marketing, and using these two tactics will go a long way to help their company's visibility in the public. It is one of the best ways to get in front of potential customers, partners, investors, media, and reassure existing customers and employees about their company.

About SEAPRWire

SEAPRWire is the top-up newswire in Southeast Asia. It offers PR distribution service to all Southeast Asia regions, including: Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Hong Kong and Taiwan. SEAPRWire has a network of media editors, journalists, magazines, newspapers and PR agencies. It also cooperates with top wire services like JCN Newswire, Factiva, Eiko Reuters, Bloomberg, Yahoo, MarketWatch, BusinessInsider. SEAPRWire can distribute press releases in multi-linguages, such as: Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Indonesian ...

For quicker communication, please connect on


Telegram: @seaprwire

Media contact

Company: SEAPRWire

Contact: Tina, Marketing Manager




How Do SEAPRWire Conduct PR Distribution in the Age of Coronavirus

2022-01-20 12:38:52 | 日記

Entering 2022, SEAPRWire still cannot predict when the coronavirus will disappear. With coronavirus affecting every aspect of our lives personally and professionally, how should publicists and companies think about PR and news releases during these sensitive and uncertain times?

For one, PR professionals and online marketers are fortunate that all of us can do our job from anywhere with an internet connection, so marketers are still able to work. SEAPRWire are lucky. And when done right, a lot of positive PR can be accomplished even during this crisis.


  • A French perfume maker and distilleries in the U.S. are re-purposing factories and alcohol to make much-needed hand sanitizer.
  • An Internet giant is donating millions of masks to hospitals
  • Even smaller businesses can put out positive and helpful PR.


  • Is their business donating their product or service or time? Or giving away it for free right now? Or donating cash to a charity? Or needed supplies to a hospital?
  • Is their business staying open (even remotely, or to provide needed products or services during this crisis? or even products or services that make full-time home life more pleasant or manageable?)
  • Will their business be hiring? People are worried about their jobs so a positive announcement would be welcomed
  • Can people genuinely convey a message of community support or gratitude to their clients? If done right it could be an opportunity to build connection with their clients in a difficult time.

News releases can also help get out neutral/unfortunate but important coronavirus-affected information

  • Cancelling an event? Moving it online?
  • Closing until a specific date?
  • Changing their hours of operation or ways to reach their company?

And remember, people can still publish their regular company/product/service announcements. It is actually helpful to all of us to see some businesses go on as they normally would since SEAPRWire are bombarded by mainstream media with coronavirus.

However, please refrain from any PR attempts to take advantage of this terrible situation.


  • Do not try to profit off of this disease
  • Do not try to push "treatments"
  • Do not try to "news jack" this disease (ex. add this trending keyword to their news release to try to get traffic) when it is not relevant.
  • Do not suggest conspiracy theories for why this outbreak happened
  • Do not blame 3rd party organizations, government, hospitals etc for this outbreak
  • Do not publish racist or xenophobic comments in their press release

Remember, people are dying, people are sick, people are out of work, people are scared. Keep their PR positive, charitable, practical, or neutral. If people have questions or comments on what would be acceptable, reach out to the team at

About SEAPRWire

SEAPRWire is the top-up newswire in Southeast Asia. It offers PR distribution service to all Southeast Asia regions, including: Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Hong Kong and Taiwan. SEAPRWire has a network of media editors, journalists, magazines, newspapers and PR agencies. It also cooperates with top wire services like JCN Newswire, Factiva, Eiko Reuters, Bloomberg, Yahoo, MarketWatch, BusinessInsider. SEAPRWire can distribute press releases in multi-linguages, such as: Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Indonesian ...

For quicker communication, please connect on


Telegram: @seaprwire

Media contact

Company: SEAPRWire

Contact: Tina, Marketing Manager

