
2015-03-18 01:59:09 | 日記

Hi Japanese Automobile Companies. Let's make new style Cars. New style Cars means, "The cars of new people by new people for new people."

Seiji Ninomiya 4さんがリツイート | 12 RT

Amazing! I was so surprised that Seiji Ninomiya has the great super power. He is a real gentleman.

Seiji Ninomiya 4さんがリツイート | 12 RT

Seiji Ninomiya Twitter Novels teaches me many things. I love Seiji Ninomiya Twitter Novels.

Seiji Ninomiya 4さんがリツイート | 11 RT

NOVEL:MODERN AMERICAN LOVE:P36:"Gay is Gay Nick. You return Gay soon." "Shut up. I'm normal now." "What? Gay is abnormal?" "Yeah." "Shit."

Seiji Ninomiya 4さんがリツイート | 9 RT

NOVEL:HE LIKES ME:P13:"Now I love Syrian English man Tom Jones deeply. Something burning inside so heavy. I must go." Nancy whispered.

10 件 リツイートされました

NOVEL:CARP GIRLS FROM U.S.A.:P13:One of American girls said to others,"Stopper Ichioka , he is handsome. He looks like Ninja movie star."

Seiji Ninomiya 4さんがリツイート | 9 RT


2015-03-17 01:57:44 | 日記

Spring sunshine bright my home. I wanna sing, "Have you ever seen a rain." I have a special memory of this song. My teenage love.

Seiji Ninomiya 4さんがリツイート | 17 RT

NOVEL:MODERN AMERICAN LOVE:P35:"Let me say, everyone can the right of quit GAY LOVE. Now I quit gay." After this words, Gay people ANGRY."

Seiji Ninomiya 4さんがリツイート | 17 RT

NOVEL:HE LIKES ME:P12:Now Nancy exchange E-mail with Syrian English man Tom Jones.
"Tom I can't have a dream and a hope." "Let's go IS now."

16 件 リツイートされました

Seiji Ninomiya World In English: Japanese female law-maker Junko Mihara suggests,"L... seijienglish.blogspot.com/2015/03/japane…


2015-03-16 01:58:35 | 日記

I have many memories about cherry blossom parties. Almost memories are heavy drinkers.
Heavy drinkers did incredible things. Unbelievable.

Seiji Ninomiya 4さんがリツイート | 16 RT

NOVEL:MODERN AMERICAN LOVE:P34:Nick explain his opinion to American people, "Now,same sex love is the big boom in this country you know."

Seiji Ninomiya 4さんがリツイート | 16 RT

NOVEL:HE LIKES ME:P11:Nancy's father persuaded Nancy,"Nancy, Middle East countries are HELL ON EARTH now. Do you love such countries? NO."

15 件 リツイートされました


2015-03-15 01:59:09 | 日記

NOVEL:CARP GIRLS FROM U.S.A.:P12:"Mom, we wanna get to Carp tickets. But" "But what?" "We can't get to Carp thickets." "Oh Platinum Papers."

Seiji Ninomiya 4さんがリツイート | 16 RT

NOVEL:MODERN AMERICAN LOVE:P33:The big star Nick Ross and Famous actress Susan Roberts appeared T.V. show and said, "We will marry soon."

Seiji Ninomiya 4さんがリツイート | 16 RT

NOVEL:HE LIKES ME:P10:"Nancy you are a good citizen of U.S.A. You must support this country." "I know." "Stay here." Nancy answer nothing.

15 件 リツイートされました

Seiji Ninomiya World In English: Let's support Middle East and help to build THE NE... seijienglish.blogspot.com/2015/03/lets-s…


2015-03-14 01:57:32 | 日記

Spring sunshine always comforts me. But now I'm suffering from hay fever. Very terrible.

Seiji Ninomiya 4さんがリツイート | 12 RT

NOVEL:MODERN AMERICAN LOVE:P32:"Hey. Show the law that Gay never quit gay. Now I love Susan Roberts deeply. I wanna marry Susan you know."

Seiji Ninomiya 4さんがリツイート | 12 RT

NOVEL:HE LIKES ME:P9:"Nancy, many soldiers ran away from ISIS. Do you know?" "Nancy said nothing. "ISIS is only a terrorists group. Wake!"

11 件 リツイートされました