
2015-03-07 02:00:00 | 日記

Seiji Ninomiya World In English: Why was Suspect able to enter the hall and cut U.S... seijienglish.blogspot.com/2015/03/why-wa…

NOVEL:CARP GIRLS FROM U.S.A.:P7:"Mom,We American girls were very surprised when we watched Japanese baseball." "Yes, a lot of differences."

Seiji Ninomiya 4さんがリツイート | 8 RT

NOVEL:MODERN AMERICAN LOVE:P28:"Oh Famous big star Nick Ross. Gay is Gay. Never change. Remember this." "No my Gay history is end now."

Seiji Ninomiya 4さんがリツイート | 8 RT

NOVEL:HE LIKES ME:P5:"Don't go Syria Nancy." "No, I must go Syria now." "Why?" "I don't know." Police and Nancy argued a lot of hours."

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