Opera & Karuizawa Bridal

Toujours la Liberté ou la Contrainte contre Kim Jong-un, même si la Charge de Mao Tse-tung!!r

2018-08-27 03:39:33 | 芸術

Naturellement on comprend bien que M. Kim Jong-un a eu grande charge à Mao Tse-tung, pour gagner la guerre contre les Etats Unis.

Mais peu importe, Cela sera autre chose de choisir l'esclavage à cause de sa charge!!

Kim Jong-un honors Crahina on anniversary -Korea Joongang Daily-

金正恩氏、中朝重視を強調=義勇軍兵士の墓訪問-休戦65年 (時事通信)

Thanks, Trump's New Peace Challenge!! -Iran and US-

2018-08-01 03:06:54 | 芸術

Iran, Israel and Bible

Very personally, I can not agree with Iranian friendly attitude towards Assad’s Syria, who has been inhuman against own people. Naturally Iran, as a historical and big country, should check and control it strictly.

Concerning with Iran-Israel relationship, I would support Iran rather than Israel. Because present naming of “Israel” is pretty much imitation calling from Old Testament. They have killed and murdered Jesus Christ as King of the Jews, despite their Messiah. Why they can call themselves “Israel” without shame still now, against Old and New Testament?

Trump says willing to meet with Iran leaders 'any time' -AFP-

Trump says ready to meet Iran's Rouhani -BBC-
