選挙に勝てば絶対間違いなく原発再稼働推進原発より危険な再処理ウラン濃縮MOX原発への建て替え推進の旧民社反米反共アジア民族暴力原理極民主党候補に野党の票割されず坪田さんに一票>@namadu_inkyo: 滋賀県知事選:坪田いくお候補goo.gl/73Umih”
加憲憲法「改正」で「自衛隊解散します」の嘘詐欺政党 #民主党
NOmoreGreensTeaPartyArmIndustries've been "riot"invading anywhere oilnaturaalgasrich&urge u2buyRifleShotguns2"protecturselfas"natural"deeds"
GreensTeaParty urge DEM&GOP&Obama2spend ur TAX4AlQaeda ISIS FSA/MB brutal killings of ANY faiths&military&police&Govt
in #Syria #Iraq #Egypt
not by US/West but bygreensNazisFarright violence supremacy "QuasiNGOs"
gangs are created2rob oilnaturalgascoal>@theLemniscat #Syria #Iraq
#UNmustbanQatarSaudiEUUSANYarmsendingtoSyria rebelsISISFSAAl-QaedaMuslimbrotherhoodsimilar #Arm prevails once it enters #nomorearmedrebels
the world should condemn&stop #Ukraine #Kiev #Neonazis "gov" via "rioters"having brutally killed Ukraineparliament,civilians,police
UN2stop #Ukraine #Kiev #Neonazis "gov" killing pro-Russian ppl&activists who'd have been alive under different circumstance #nomomassacre
Ukrainians incd proRussian activists have equalrights2live in peace under 2012democracyresults against ongoing "gov"> mobile.nytimes.com/comments/2014/…
Ukraine Kiev "govt",Neonazgang "gov" who killed many Ukrainians&policeANYsuch as"ISISgov" must be condemned by UN! >
#Ukraine "gov" were all lost in 2012 legitimate election with equal voting rights then killedppl&robbed parlt&nation mobile.nytimes.com/2014/07/08/wor…
#ukraine vitalpoint is 2012 democratic results4parliament/EU participation/presidency where parties ongoing "gov" Neonazis'Maiden' were lost
UN2stop #Ukraine #Neonazis "gov" killing pro-Russianppl&activists who'd have been alive under parlmt of #2012democraticresults #nomomassacre
#UNmustbanQatarSaudiEUUSANYarmsending2ISISFSAAlQaedaMuslimbrotherhood orsimilar #Arm_prevails_once_it_enters #nomorearmedrebelgreenganggovt
Russia, Ukraine Fight Over Combat Dolphins; Guess Which Other Country Has Some - inq.cm/1thFvA5
French, US leaders press for Ukraine cease-fire - NDTV ndtv.com/article/world/…
Scottish Independence: 'The risks are colossal ? and we may not gain anything from it', says Alistair Darling independent.co.uk/news/uk/politi…
Yes vote would be 'worse than the banking crisis', says Alistair Darling ind.pn/1ow7x3Q #indyref #NoThanks pic.twitter.com/5eFZEl8GHB
WATCH LIVE: Haaretz's Israel Conference on Peace kicks off in Tel Aviv haaretz.com/1.603480
Peace is only path to security haaretz.com/news/diplomacy…
Pro-Russians seek generalelection "gov" robbed "parliament" by riots had lost in 2012. "Gov"must respond!<French, US ndtv.com/article/world/…
I would say UN could have been fair mediator against Gaza terrorism drugging Israel since2006>Netanyahu orders IDF,,, haaretz.com/1.603677