
2014-07-05 06:13:12 | Gooメンテナンス

100 Labour Party Policies that Ed Miliband’s Labour says it would implement if it was elected to government labourleft.co.uk/100-labour-par…

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | RT

.@RondaRousey, 9 time MMA world champ, is back in the ring this Saturday! Catch this #EX3 newcomer at #UFC 175! pic.twitter.com/y7q0Be7yAu

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | RT

UN Charter bans armed activities against people's' rights2independent from a UN member nation #Ukraine >pic.twitter.com/qsyu6dp4TU | EMPR News”

not by US/West but bygreensNazisFarright violence supremacy "QuasiNGOs"
gangs are created2rob oilnaturalgascoal>@theLemniscat #Syria #Iraq

UN must aid AssadSyria to make claim damages to Qatar/Saudi NGOs providing arms to political "protesters">@TIME: U.N. ti.me/1gsfLo0

Gaza Muslimrotherhood ISIS Hamas FSA invites IDF attack or UN solution against Gaza?>Gaza rocket strikes direct hit haaretz.com/1.602557

Stop Vicious circle which leads only self devastation of #Palestine & #Israel>Palestinian Teen Found Dead >@ABC News abcn.ws/1qxmlnD


冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | RT

ISIS FSA MB Kill ANY>@theLemniscat: "Isis fighters are a threat to all Iraqis of all faiths" @guardianletters theguardian.com/world/2014/jun…

1 件 リツイートされました

Assad Obama Iran Jordan Israel Putin China EUNATO Lebanon all fight back against ISIS/MB violencesupremacy!>@ABC News abcn.ws/1of63wj

[「集団的自衛権」行使容認という形の海外国連軍参加容認にならないよう今後の運用ガイドライン作成に注意] nomado7th.exblog.jp/22322449/

Live Timing now on - Practice 2 for the 2014 FORMULA 1 SANTANDER BRITISH GRAND PRIX... bit.ly/bIqRsq #F1

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | RT

UN Charter bans armed activities against people's' rights2independent from a UN member nation #Ukraine >pic.twitter.com/qsyu6dp4TU | EMPR News”

not by US/West but bygreensNazisFarright violence supremacy "QuasiNGOs"
gangs are created2rob oilnaturalgascoal>@theLemniscat #Syria #Iraq
