FRISCH AUS DER PRESSE! #SingaporeGP Bericht + Stimmen von #LH44 / #NR6: f1.benz.me/mx0czX/ #F1 pic.twitter.com/xWrDxxe3AK
Asian high income reflects Asian own ancestors prosperity >@SPIEGELONLINE:RT @businessinsider: read.bi/1o0hNkv pic.twitter.com/2cZZ5CLrLN
Most of Asian Americans are highly talented/super rich2become American citizen>@SPIEGELONLINE: RT @businessinsider: pic.twitter.com/2cZZ5CLrLN”
Yemeni government and Houthi rebels sign deal to end political crisis bbc.in/1sffLUI
Hudson River current electricity!> @OscarHSoria: @UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon joining the #PeoplesClimate March pic.twitter.com/MiMpKApFPY”
land heat wind power solar power >@OscarHSoria: .@UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon joining the #PeoplesClimate March pic.twitter.com/MiMpKApFPY”
#pplcancommitanddevelosolarpower!>@OscarHSoria: .@UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon joining the #PeoplesClimate March pic.twitter.com/MiMpKApFPY”
How can we use innovation to eradicate diseases? Tune in 4 discussion w/ Dr. Donald Hopkins, Dr. Mark Siddall #2030NOW
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter on the power of social media in fighting global disease #2030NOW snpy.tv/1rqRJEf
Chasing California wildfires at night wapo.st/1wVAVbz pic.twitter.com/4HlmqqUQm6
"Achieving social good means that the poor must no longer face these challenges in isolation" - Former President Jimmy Carter #2030NOW
What you need to know about the Ebola outbreak nyti.ms/1ujTLEq pic.twitter.com/aD0NhULjZL
WATCH: How can we increase global #food production & #EndPoverty? Empower #women farmers: youtu.be/46ySNz5iCEA | @EndPoverty2030
enemy is not oil coal nation private company, enemy is not economy but invasion into forest desert2clash squeeze all livings #climatechange
#Climatechange is not mainly man made but inevitable
Pls Don't go for anti economy
don't go for #nuclear #hydrogen power which intends to kill all the livings ppl and the globe
enemy is not oil coal economy but #climatechange itsel & the goal is 2cohabit with natural resources in #sustainable #ecofriendly approach
「裁量労働」でも4割が定時出勤 遅刻理由に賃金カットも - 47NEWS(よんななニュース) smar.ws/MdXti #スマートニュース
安倍首相:日露対話継続で一致…プーチン大統領と電話協議 - 毎日新聞 smar.ws/lIwI7 #スマートニュース
10:20 私の、息子
12:40 ベニシアさんの四季の庭
14:40 ぼくたちの家族
17:00 世界の果ての通学路
19:00 ベニシアさんの四季の庭
9/22 09:00の桜島/南日本新聞 桜島ライブカメラ bit.ly/1ylpD1X #sakurajima #kagoshima #桜島
道の駅で毒キノコ販売、4人に下痢や嘔吐の症状 - 読売新聞 headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20140922-… 滋賀県高島市朽木市場の道の駅「くつき新本陣」で20日に販売されたキノコのパックに有毒のツキヨタケが混入していたと県が21日発表した。キノコを食べた同県と愛知県内の夫婦2組の…
現在34,555票【回答受付中】「維新の党」に期待する? - Y!ニュース意識調査 polls.dailynews.yahoo.co.jp/domestic/12089…