4月16日(木)のつぶやき その3

2015-04-17 06:17:15 | Gooメンテナンス

#greens #thegreenparty #SNP r designed on the same motif as #LDM,"steel & copy & paste popular manifest from UK #Labour and let Gangs win"

#Greens is a party of austerity, of quasiantiausterity, advocating #BI 4annal income10M by raising tax and #university #tuition more>

Fact:what #thegreenparty #Greens did as "political party":advocating heroin/marijuana"facility"&abolish of criminal law against drug>

Fact:what pro-nukes #thegreenparty #Greens #gangs did:":advocation"of heroin"facility"&anti-law, criminal damage against thermalelectricity

NUS: it's "payback time" for Clegg. Here is the van they're sending to his constituency: politicalscrapbook.net/2015/04/nus-pa… pic.twitter.com/0NuCci3KEm

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 156 RT

You're not forgotten; you're memories live with us-in my heart and soul? #NeverAgain pic.twitter.com/oA5Z2CXzqA

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 64 RT

Holocaust Remembrance Day a day to remember all 20th century genocides and confront Antisemitism. #DOR2015

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 58 RT

Remembering us a duty to the dead but also to our children. #DOR2015

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 6 RT

We owe it to victims of Holocaust to never forget. Owe it to them to respond to Antisemitism today. Need focus and targeted action.

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 31 RT
