#18歳参政権>監禁元同級生が持ち掛け連れ去 mainichi.jp/select/news/20…
高齢者福祉削減警察予算削減(ギャング側儲けの為)テロ側が強取可能軍装備予算増額も軍人的削減で地上げテロ「民兵」優位化へ使い捨て無能徴兵制増加 反外国反欧米民族至上風ギャング下剋上原理洗脳 #オウム= #統一教会 #反自民 #反公明 #反共産 #反アベ #アナーキズム テロにNO!
#Snowflakes may be toxic as new study shows snow absorbs pollutants in the air: ow.ly/XiN5A pic.twitter.com/zmNKvjQOZL
What extremists, AUM Unity by Bunsenmei, #ISIS #Taliban #Alqaeda #Muslimbrotherhood, hate:education #pension police twitter.com/fightextremism…
What extremistgang anarchism terror, AUM UnitebyBunsenmei, #ISIS #Taliban #Alqaeda #Muslimbrotherhood,hate:welfare currency economy banking
What extremistgang anarchism terror, AUM UnitebyBunsenmei, #ISIS #Taliban #Alqaeda #Muslimbrotherhood,hate: humane caring modernism medicine
News of the day 7thclouds冨田麻里MariT is out! paper.li/7thclouds/1334… Stories via @ro69_yogaku @corinnelgray @TOWER_Classic