News of the day 7thclouds冨田麻里MariT 紙が更新されました! bit.ly/Ix8ngU
Nothing signifies the importance of Ohio more than Pres Obama spending the entire day in pursuit of Ohio's 18 electoral votes.
RT @AP: BREAKING: US economy adds 171,000 jobs in October, unemployment rate ticks up to 7.9 percent. -BW
171,000 new jobs last month, better than expected on last report before election. Unemployment rate ticks up to 7.9%. More @NewsHour
October #jobs report: US unemployment rate at 7.9 percent, economy adds 171K jobs. STORY: cbsn.ws/SkwK12
BLS says both the unemployment rate (7.9%) and the number of unemployed persons (12.3million) essentially unchanged in October.
The U.S. economy added 171,000 jobs in October; unemployment climbs to 7.9% as workers reenter the labor force | bloom.bg/SDqbKl
ソフトバンクがイー・アクセスとの株式交換比率変更を発表、株価急落に対応(ニュース) nkbp.jp/SwrWXk #itprojp
KDDIがEAP-SIM導入で認証を高速化、公衆無線LANを使いやすく itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/NEWS/2… via @nikkeibpITpro
雑記帳:宮崎県庁でチョウザメ飼育 mainichi.jp/select/news/20…
野田首相:「説明も頭に入らず?」 mainichi.jp/select/news/20…
大飯原発:規制委が破砕帯調査 「活断層か否定できぬ」 mainichi.jp/select/news/20…
レアアース:中国規制せず…日本の調達先分散で効果薄れ mainichi.jp/select/news/20…
フィギュア:中国杯SP 浅田2位 mainichi.jp/sports/news/20…
日本大使館に火炎瓶:韓国、司法に引き渡しの判断委ね mainichi.jp/select/news/20…