2月27日(木)のつぶやき その1

2014-02-28 10:14:13 | Gooメンテナンス

Learn from Libya whereEurogang robbed oil while letting prosesters killeach other4
anti-Rus/anti-US/anti-president/anti-gov #ukraineprotests

WiredLately many fanatic into "revolution"4"independence" actually4losing what you've had>@georgeeaton: "but we want independence above all"

#ukraineprotest shouldknow what happen in EUmember nation with insufficient economy: Hungary in #antiEU protests after antiRussiaprotest4EU

Learn from Libya whereEurogang robbed oil while letting prosesters killeach other4

#EU #Ukrainprotests
nations of weak economy in #EU r devastated in inflation/jobpensioncut/lesstaxrevenue/til chaos kills every nation value

#Ukrainprotests #EU is nowcircle4extreme rich
EU requires cutting jobs,benefits,publcservices,pensions many angry at

Do the same AGAINST EU after u lost all pension/job/benefits/publicservices/decent places to live? #ukraineprotests nyti.ms/1jTqUlL

#EU? #Ukrain?NOW?evenGreece/Italy had problem/violentriots AGAINST EU due2 #EUraisesinflationcuttingbenefitspensionsjobs #ukraineprotests

Back2 #Yanukovych protecting U from Eurogang letting prosesters killeachother til chaos let
it rob everything from Ukrain

Back2 #Yanukovych who protects Ukrain from Eurogang letting prosesters killeachother inthedisguiseof
anti-Rus/US/presid #ukraineprotests

#ukraineprotest shouldknow what happen in EU member nation with insufficient economy: Hungary in #antiEU protests after antiRussiaprotest4EU

#ukraineprotests Back2Yanukovych4u Learn from Libya whereEurogang robbed oil while letting prosesters killeach other4

Yukinoviflee doesn't mean thrown nation.No more anti-gov disguised robbery against Ukrain→ @nytimes nyti.ms/1fHky51

I'm listening to Concerto Grosso in C major (1) from by George Frideric Handel on @classicfm classicfm.com #nowplaying #classicfm

CUTE I'm listening to Symphony No.101 in D major (2) by Joseph Haydn on @classicfm classicfm.com #nowplaying

I am listening to PassionRadio UK Sussex from WasedaShinjukuTokyo JP 10C misty^_^
@passionradio: the South: 9C Mist. ift.tt/172uRmq


冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | RT

New post: "日本の東北経済連合会、青島で企業交流会=12年から活発な交流―中国(Record China)" ift.tt/OFGVCj

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | RT

とってもおしゃれなiPhone卓上充電スタンドを抽選で5名様にプレゼント!部屋に溶け込む高級感あるデザインで新生活を彩ろう!応募方法は画像をチェック! #楽天スタンド pic.twitter.com/U8ICymavc3

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | RT

#EU? #Ukrain?NOW??!evenGreece/Italy had problem/violentriots AGAINST EU due2 #EUraisesinflationcuttingbenefitspensionsjobs #ukraineprotests

Back2 #Yanukovych protecting U from Eurogang letting prosesters killeachother til chaos let
it rob everything from Ukrain

#ukraineprotests Back2Yanukovych4u Learn from Libya whereEurogang robbed oil while letting prosesters killeach other4

#Ukrainprotests #EU is nowcircle4extreme rich
EU requires cutting jobs,benefits,publcservices,pensions many angry at
