10月25日(日)のつぶやき その4

2015-10-26 07:01:30 | Gooメンテナンス

Q&A: 小栗康平監督(予定) 『FOUJITA』10/26日(月)13:50~ TOHOシネマズ六本木ヒルズ チケットはコチラから→ 2015.tiff-jp.net/ja/lineup/work… #TIFFJP

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 18 RT

Ppl must support #Jeb 2protect #America from terrorism racism atheism banning religion but religious disguised gangs cnbc.com/2015/10/20/mor…

You should know #JebBush contents packed proposals to materialise human rights in health care 4 all ppl in #America twitter.com/jebbush/status…

#America is NOT a nation of #Soros #Nazis robbing #US military & #tax hiring immigrant gangs to rob ANY living in #peace in their #homeland

#JebBush2016"Provide a tax credit for the purchase of affordable,portable #healthplans that protect Americans from high-cost medical events"

#JebBush is the only candidate to genuinely work4everyone&against violence religious disguised immigrant fraud gangs twitter.com/jebbush/status…

#democracy based on voluntary politicalcampaigns2achieve selfless universal goals2win genuine #freedom on this earth twitter.com/bbcjonsopel/st…
