7月10日(木)のつぶやき その5

2014-07-11 07:06:54 | Gooメンテナンス

Whilst Gaza lost many lives, Israel've not lost any so far despite 365 rockets on Tel Aviv etc. because Israel uses siren&shelters2escape

GazaAlQaedaMuslimbrotherhood Hamas use Gaza civilians&Gazacity itself as shelters/walls2protect armed anarchists whilst ppl r just bombed..

Muslimbrotherhood(MB)Hamasprovoke, by 365rockets a day, IDF2air strike on Gaza2let Palestinians2be killed/bombed 2manipulate ppl2hate Israel

MB/Al-Qaeda/Hamas've been using lives of Gaza citizens as shield4anarchismviolencesupremacy rocketattacks2annoy Israel&robTelAvivNaturalGas

<ナイジェリア>少女救出めど立たず 政府対応に不満渦巻く - 毎日新聞 headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20140710-… 【アブジャ服部正法】西アフリカ・ナイジェリア北東部でイスラム過激派ボコ・ハラムが女子生徒約270人を拉致してから間もなく3カ月がたつ。少女の救出を求める声は世界…

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | RT

since 2006, the more AlQaeda/Muslimbrotherhood/Hamas rocket attacks on Israel, the more Israel farrightpower developed2expand building areas

since 2006, the more AlQaeda/MB/Hamas rockets on Israel, the more Israel farrightpower develops2expand building areas #Gaza

PalestineHamasMuslimbrotherhoodAlQaeda wouldnot,have neverever, used shelters2protect #Gaza citizens because MB uses Palestinians as shields

sad2see victims by IDF airstrikes but it is Gaza HamasMuslimbrotherhhd&Al-Qaeda who've attacked(365 a day)Israel2letIDFstrike #Gaza Citizen

Whilst #Gaza lost many lives, Israel've not lost any so far despite 365 rockets on Tel Aviv etc. because Israel uses siren&shelters2escape

since 2006, the more AlQaeda/MB/Hamas rockets on Israel, the more Israel farrightpower develops2expand building areas

MB/Al-Qaeda/Hamas've been using lives of #Gaza citizens as shield4anarchismviolencesupremacy rocketattacks2annoy Israel&robTelAvivNaturalGas

Muslimbrotherhood(MB)Hamasprovoke, by 365rockets a day, IDF2airstrike on #Gaza 2let Gaza ppl 2bekilled2manipulate ppl&the world2hate Israel
