
2012-06-06 05:08:36 | 日記
00:21 from Tweet Button
The British Muslim who went from bullying for Palestine to crying at the Western Wall toi.sr/Lg0PcT

01:09 from Tweet Button
インドネシア:日本大使館の女性職員殺される- 毎日jp(毎日新聞) mainichi.jp/select/news/20…

01:11 from Tweet Button
オウム:特別手配の菊地容疑者逮捕 「地下鉄サリン」関与- 毎日jp(毎日新聞) mainichi.jp/select/news/20…

01:24 from Twitter for iPad
「不正受給厳罰化」内容明らかにすべき。「多重受診」や受診の多さは「不正」ではない。罰則強化の中身、特に扶養家族の扶養義務の「強化」との関係からなら身体刑の3年以下懲役など異様→厚労省が見直し案…不正受給の罰則強化-毎日jp(毎日新聞) mainichi.jp/select/news/20

01:25 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 1 RT ]
「英国・美術展探訪「ロイヤルリバー」展 テムズ川の英国史 Tim Marlow On... Royal River (BBC ワー... blog.goo.ne.jp/anthropologist…
アナウンサー  社会人類学者 原 麻里子さんのツイート

01:27 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 542 RT ]
Prince Phillip has been taken to hospital with a bladder infection. Get well soon DoE.
Elizabeth Windsorさんのツイート

01:27 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 1 RT ]
韓国・古里原発、IAEAが特別点検開始 - 朝日新聞 bit.ly/L25nXI

01:28 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 2 RT ]
#IsraeltheRegion #Madonna #MDNAtour #peace #AbuDhabi Madonna kept Tel Aviv crowd waiting ‘until she got her Gummi... dlvr.it/1gKKvD
Israel Newsさんのツイート

01:29 from Tweet Button
小川前法相「指揮権」発言:官房長官「承知していない」- 毎日jp(毎日新聞) mainichi.jp/select/news/20…

01:33 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 56 RT ]
Obama on call re: #EqualPay: "We've got to understand this is about more than just fairness... everybody suffers"
Jesse Leeさんのツイート

01:33 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 13 RT ]
Pres. Obama urges Congress to "do the right thing" and approve Paycheck Fairness Act. Senate votes tomorrow. 60 votes needed.
Mark Knollerさんのツイート

01:34 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 1 RT ]
菊地容疑者「逃亡終わりホッとした」(中日)bit.ly/Lha1Sj 捜査一課は菊地容疑者をかくまっていたとして、犯人蔵匿の疑いで、相模原市緑区城山、自称会社員高橋寛人容疑者(41)を逮捕した。高橋容疑者は教団とは関係ない。

01:34 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 9 RT ]
IAEAとイラン 8日協議再開へ nhk.jp/N41w6XxB #nhk_news

01:34 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 1 RT ]

01:34 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 473 RT ]
Romney Economics didn’t work for Massachusetts, and it won’t work for the country: OFA.BO/7wdk7L
Barack Obamaさんのツイート

01:35 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 2 RT ]
#Rwanda military arming and supporting DRC mutiny bit.ly/K9baJH #Ntaganda
Jim Murphyさんのツイート

01:36 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 4 RT ]
Obama Campaign was conducting new anti-Romney ad conference call as Pres Obama was on a WH call about the Paycheck Fairness Act.
Mark Knollerさんのツイート

01:36 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 17 RT ]
In countries where not everyone has a cell phone, @UNICEF is adapting mobile apps for telephone booths. #5thBDay

01:36 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 17 RT ]
Take action by June 5th: Help Doctors Without Borders @MSF_USA tell Congress to improve food aid for children. bit.ly/LEDKaA
Lucas Van Lentenさんのツイート

01:37 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 1 RT ]

01:37 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 6 RT ]
松下大臣 AIJ再発防止策を nhk.jp/N41w6XxP #nhk_news

01:37 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 3 RT ]
[琉球新報] G7が緊急電話協議へ 5日夜、欧州危機で bit.ly/K9IpfW

01:38 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 19 RT ]
In unprecedented move, #Israel's Foreign Ministry condemns violence against #African migrants htz.li/Ms4LhX

03:42 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 36 RT ]
"Serious blow to Queen not to have #PrincePhilip at her side for service of thanksgiving" - BBC's Nicholas Witchell bbc.in/Ms563Z
BBC News (UK)さんのツイート

by 7thclouds on Twitter
