7月22日(火)のつぶやき その1

2014-07-23 06:10:14 | Gooメンテナンス

Israelis live in shelters most of time whilst 43%palestinians attackIsrael,ignoring evacuation alert&die2condmnIsrarl haaretz.com/1.606534

The world should be fair: It is Gaza who won't stop rocketattack on Israel for 8years:'Missing' soldier presumed dead haaretz.com/news/diplomacy…

8year almost every day rocket attacks from Gaza,which've been causing deaths,injuries&shelterlife,damages on Israel economy! #gaza #Israel

Must know many including Palestinians Beduin were killed by Rocket/Attack from/with #Gaza
Al-Qaeda/Muslimbrotherhood haaretz.com/1.606315

If UN concerns the number of civilian casualties, pls oblige Palestinian govt Al-Qaeda/MB/Hamas2let them evacuated haaretz.com/1.606315

u would not exercise police action2stop 8year everyday rocket on UK no matter how UK civilian casualtiesr"norm"> @AmnestyUK: #Israel #Gaza

apparent4anyone's eyes Palestiniangovt MB Al-Qaeda Hamas have exploited lives of Palestinians2justify terrorism>@AmnestyUK: #Israel #Gaza

Don't be manipulated by MBsuiecidehumanshield intentionally letting boys play on the beach after evacuation alerts>@AmnestyUK #Israel #Gaza

MB Hamas Al-Qaeda Palestine govt've been responsible2stop rocket attack/alert evacuation 2tell where rockets r2go>@AmnestyUK: #Israel #Gaza

Israelis've been exposed2rocket attacks, shelter life4anyone includ children, civilian casualties,economydamages> @AmnestyUK: #Israel #Gaza

If the world condemns only policing but MB gang criminal conducts then what the world could be #StopGazaterrorism>@AmnestyUK: #Israel #Gaza

Israel has been patient with #Gaza criminalconducts as "norm"damages Israel should claime2Palestinegovt AlQaeda MBHamas or else> @AmnestyUK

Israelis live in shelters most of time whilst 43%palestinians attackIsrael,ignoring evacuation alert&die2condmnIsrarl haaretz.com/1.606534

Yes.Israel has right2stop incessant militia attack on lives&economy in Israel
>Poll:Americans support Israel in #Gaza haaretz.com/news/diplomacy…

If such a scale militia woven into human-suicide-shields has been launching rockets against any US cities?! #gaza

Yes.Israel has right2stop incessant anarchism Al-Qaeda MB militia attack on lives&economy in Israel and #Gaza

関係改善を改善めざし 日韓議連の女性議員が訪韓 smar.ws/cplYv #SmartNews

Donetsk has right to live in peace & independence from riot made "Ukrainegovt" against democracy> Reuters smar.ws/M0VIf #SmartNews

現ウクライナ政府の軍航空機がMH17と並行し飛んで居たという多くの証言があり現ウクライナ政府の反抗示す証拠親ロシア派が確保当然。>旅客機撃墜、親ロ派が残骸を移動 重機で、現場保存困難か #excitenews excite.co.jp/News/world_g/2…
