4月5日(火)のつぶやき その1

2016-04-06 06:32:47 | Gooメンテナンス

#Clinton hadnot realised the risk of using #emails for classified info. But gov servers are also vulnerable anyway chicagotribune.com/news/nationwor…

In terms of #IFOA,apparently #Clinton had no intention to put classified gov info on the risk then no responsibility chicagotribune.com/news/nationwor…

I am opposing to" #paperless work on wifi"due to security concern despite ofJP"trend".In #US, gov work must be on #paper/phone or gov server

Due to hackercrimes,#Clinton &any gov officials'media to record decisions r limited to paper,talk, phone/fax/email on high secure connection

If #Clinton had trusted #personalemail than govserver,it couldbe said Clinton hadtried 2do work with higher security

@RealJamesWoods <
In terms of #IFOA,apparently #Clinton had no intention to put classified gov info on the risk then no responsibility

@RealJamesWoods<Due to hackercrimes,#Clinton &any officials'media to record decision r limited to paper,phone/fax/email on secure connection

Sadly, duetohackers,#Clinton&any gov officials'media to record decisions r limited to paper,talk, phone/fax/email on highlysecure connection

#Sanders =#trump
'telling' ANY to win→Sanders calls for shutting down New York nuclear power plant: pic.twitter.com/X25jDgPXVw

#Sanders pledges2 #shutdown #NY #np but didn't say"against" coz #Bernie to build NEW #NUKEs using #MOX whose production creates nucleararms

【熊本市動物愛護センター:平成28年4月24日(日)犬と猫の休日譲渡会のお知らせ?】毎週水曜日の定例譲渡会に参加出来ない方も如何ですか?慢性的に犬猫ちゃんが収容可能頭数を大幅超で殺処分の危機!ペット屋に行く前に救える命があります!⇒ pic.twitter.com/qEvyWpPELG

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 26 RT

Statistical community outlines workplan to realize #SDGs indicator framework. Get updates: bit.ly/1SwwObU pic.twitter.com/UMHGq8ELEA

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 17 RT

Fences to deter migrants change the course of their routes, but they don’t stop them coming: reut.rs/1N4Qa6b pic.twitter.com/Gyh5ue8Ew3

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 271 RT

Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley sticking to vow not to take action on Supreme Court nominee, and conservatives are cheering wapo.st/1RV8MKc

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 53 RT

次の @YouTube 再生リストに動画を追加しました: youtu.be/RqY-711NdVk?a James Corden Sings His Way Into Primetime
