12月23日(火)のつぶやき その3

2014-12-24 07:00:02 | Gooメンテナンス

#chokehold is2arrest suspects &prevent suspect' attack on police or any that relatively guarantees safe ofthe community

Pls don't be misinformed by any
#greens #nazis #maiden r white gang supremacy who want Asian chicks to seek to meet whitegang>@SeattleNoire:

Japan,no #chokehold but lopes around shoulderarms/hips/sometimes legs2prevent suspects' escape/attack on police ButBigmen can easily tearoff

Japan,no #chokehold but lopes around shoulders/arms/hips/legs2prevent suspects' escape/attack on police ButBigmen can easily tearoff

The #NYPD released surveillance video of Ismaaiyl Brinsley before he allegedly killed two police officers on.wsj.com/1vi7wn6

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#lnjtf ユニクロの中国縫製工場でストライキ~はたらくものの権利守れ!: 多国籍企業に関する共同リサーチをしている香港の友人から、緊急メールが届き、ユニクロのサプライヤー、中国深センの縫製工場の労働者がストライキ中で... bit.ly/1vikscC

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12月23日(火)のつぶやき その2

2014-12-24 07:00:01 | Gooメンテナンス

Everywhere every life is brainwashed to attack/kill other life with any reason by nazis illuminati white viking gang supremacy #CARcrisis

everyone is brainwashed to kill any with any reasons by nazis illuminati Viking gang supremacy: #NY #ukraine #syria #Afghanistan #pakistan

White gang supremacy #greens "justify" black Islam gang attack on police/gov or"relaxed" police coz greens #nazis gangs hate police law gov

Whitegangsupremacy #greens "justify" black Islam gangattack on police/gov coz greens #nazis white gangs hate white black any police law gov

Whitegangsupremacy #greens "justify" black Islam gangattack on police/gov coz #nazis white gangs hate white black any police law gov #NYPD

Whitegangsupremacy #greens "justify" any gangattack on police/gov coz #nazis gangs hate any police law gov
#dontgoriot #dontkillany

gangsupremacy #greens "justify" any gangattack on police/gov coz #nazis hate police law gov that protect ppl
#dontgoriot #dontkillany

don't u accuse of Michael Moore and Soros rather >@theinquisitr: Mayor DeBlasio of Waging Jihad Against Cops - inq.cm/1Cr3EI1 #NYPD

don't converge into anger at the officer but into regulation review2avoid unfortunate death in choke hold>@greta: #EricGarner #NYPD @FoxNews

#police are exposed to danger when suspects in shackles r still to attack police although #chokehold is high risk to suspects' health

I already Twittered as proposing;letting suspects in shackles sit on the walls to avoid chokehold&suspects' weights' killing over suspects

some big with huge muscle&fat suspects in shackles try2attack/kill police&any in the community but
better2find alternatives2chokehold #NYPD

No. #chokehold is to arrest suspects. chokehold relatively guarantees safe of police&the community
@SeattleNoire:chokehold is to kill

reason why #NYPD bans #chokehold in its codes mainly coz heavyweights of suspects may cause difficulties>
@SeattleNoire:chokehold is to kill

#NYPD bans #chokehold in its code to reduce pains sufferings&difficulties of suspects under arrest...>
@SeattleNoire:chokehold is to kill

I wonder #greens misinformation circulated to justify attack on police. #chokehold is not designed to kill suspects. #NYPD

The case was unfortunate mixture of suspects' heavyweight, chokehold accidental negligent?
No intentional killing


#greens misinform ppl via images of southafrica #nazis #greens MB ISIS #Maiden using #chokehold torture&kill 2 justify attack police


2lightweightsuspects,sometimes pains in wrists.But #chokehold can be exploited2cause pain&difficult2know>@SeattleNoire
lightweight suspects?

12月23日(火)のつぶやき その1

2014-12-24 07:00:00 | Gooメンテナンス


真冬の夜の偉人たち - NHK fb.me/2goaXfyYw

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China condemns cyberattacks, but says there is no proof North Korea hacked Sony: reut.rs/1GOC2w8 pic.twitter.com/P0SWg1TjEd

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@jyoousamanomimi: "@naka8952: これはいけません。原発ゼロの公約のウラで、こんな協定。 pic.twitter.com/GhhzE40HjL"←民主党もこれではねぇ…(- -;)”やっぱり、と言う気持ちも否めない、、、

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インドで仲間のサルを救助した「ドクターモンキー」が話題に fnn.jp/1wWffLO #FNN

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夕張市の石炭博物館再生にかかわる『地域おこし協力隊』1名、募集中です!受け付けは来年1月9日まで。 fb.me/7gg7DoK7p

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Afghan forces launch operation against militants in eastern province seen as a rear base for Pakistani Taliban: yhoo.it/1wBCGdp

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Obama to announce "flurry of detainee transfers" from Guantanamo in coming weeks, WSJ reports: wsj.com/articles/obama…

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Have you watched our new film yet? See if you can get through it without feeling nostalgic... bit.ly/1x4u0Os #SussexIs

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超メガヒットシリーズ最新作、『ジュラシック・ワールド』2015年8月7日より全国公開!!#ジュラシックワールド jurassicworld.jp

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How do you keep holiday memories alive after the moment is gone? Experts offer their insights trib.in/1AYEXhR pic.twitter.com/rpFvITnuHh

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Gritty rock and blues singer Joe Cocker has died at age 70 after battle with lung cancer: abcn.ws/1x3S5Sw pic.twitter.com/mk6IXLzGoY

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Minutes before shooting, Baltimore police faxed alert on gunman to NYPD: on.msnbc.com/1v90Iah (Spencer Platt/Getty) pic.twitter.com/1uiFTvTHvZ

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RT @UNHCRInnovation Join us & @Plus_SocialGood for the Humanitarian Innovation Jam 2015 (15 - 16 Jan) Sign up today: trib.al/9MYMIlS

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Can't think of what to buy your work colleagues- what about a People Tree Gift Voucher? (as modelled by Richard) pic.twitter.com/IJ87jsRKWC

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#Pakistan puts Islamabad airport on red alert. No entry or exit. All flights diverted.

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ALERT: New York Mayor de Blasio calling for temporary halt in #BlackLivesMatter protests after cop killings bloom.bg/1xbFrEd

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"He was a lovely Northern lad" - Paul McCartney's tribute to Joe Cocker: bit.ly/1rdmbDz

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Black and white evangelical Protestants share many similarities. But on the issue of race, they are deeply divided. theatln.tc/1GPq6KD

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trust4WHO #only4medicine, not for armed men called"logistics">@Reuters:WHO says #Syria has approved medicine deliveries toAleppo,other areas