9月14日(日)のつぶやき その7

2014-09-15 05:19:23 | Gooメンテナンス

Cameron hails David Haines as 'British hero' and vows to hunt down killers gu.com/p/4xhad

not about regret but about rationality2seek #indy from #UK
#SNP is cozy in power 2cover its fails by placing all upon UK
#indyref #VoteNo

Facts - this morning 70 Russian humanitarian aid trucks arrived in #Lugansk, full of food, supplies. Unloaded in around 4 hours, returned.

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Thank kindly for your support. Thank you for caring enough to hear the human stories of the suffering faced by #Donetsk and #Lugansk.

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Reports of artillery shooting heard in western #Donetsk (VZ.RU)

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A significant western journalist arrives here in Lugansk. A big welcome to @pete_leonard , of Associated Press! pic.twitter.com/fxoWMLNNqU

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#Ebola: Photo taken at WFP food distribution yesterday in quarantined village of Zensue, central #Liberia. pic.twitter.com/i2RVdRPt9y

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9月14日(日)のつぶやき その3

2014-09-15 05:19:19 | Gooメンテナンス

【300RT】iPod Classic、販売終了。いままで音楽をありがとう。 appbank.net/2014/09/13/iph…

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New post: "安倍首相、北京APECでの日中首脳会談に強い意欲「様々な分野で努力したい」―NHK番組で強調(Record China)" ift.tt/1y0jLer

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Frequent Flier Programs: The Fadeout of the Mileage Run nyti.ms/1qymsj9

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"David was most alive in his humanitarian roles" - brother's tribute to murdered hostage
bbc.in/1wkgQIF pic.twitter.com/YwiilJm6E8

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The Picasso was on the wall for 55 years. Taking it down was a delicate undertaking nyti.ms/1uLDHMd pic.twitter.com/7S2yVappmI

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傷病兵らのスポーツイベントにヘンリー王子が参加、英国 afpbb.com/articles/-/302… pic.twitter.com/3AAlWZscpA

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(スタッフ) pic.twitter.com/FDaRqRtJPG

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Annette Kellerman promotes women’s right to wear a fitted one-piece bathing. She was arrested for indecency. pic.twitter.com/lDCP6bub0j

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巨大肉食恐竜スピノサウルスは水中で生活? 米大チームが論文 afpbb.com/articles/-/302… pic.twitter.com/qAI52R0fM0

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経団連サン、札束で政党を操るのはもうやめたら? pic.twitter.com/bW8XwhpA0y

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This Day in Jewish History / Hollywood’s 'Boy Wonder’ producer, Irving Thalberg, dies dlvr.it/6vMQYh

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#軽減税率 #全食料品非課税
まず緊急に導入。#富裕層課税強化 #贅沢品課税 実施。安倍政権の #賃金引き上げ #利益留保 吐出立法化すべきですね>“@shiikazuo: NHKに出演。

東日本大震災から3年半 公営住宅完成まだ1割 9万人が仮設生活、見えぬ出口 - SankeiBiz(サンケイビズ) smar.ws/fcfs1 #スマートニュース

ケネディ米大使が自転車レース「ツール・ド・東北」に出場 #excitenews excite.co.jp/News/society_g…

9月14日(日)のつぶやき その2

2014-09-15 05:19:18 | Gooメンテナンス

As a Muslim in the UK, I wonder;can Muslims blame native Britons for fearing Islam when they see all that we Muslims do?I cannot blame them!

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土石流、避難所の門は閉じたまま 広島、大半開設できず - 朝日新聞デジタル headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20140914-… 73人が死亡した広島市の土砂災害で、避難勧告時に大半の避難所が開設できていなかった。夜間の避難所開設や避難勧告のあり方に大きな課題を残した。【写真】災害当日…

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Ill-judged Sunday @Telegraph front page. Using dead soldiers to boost any cause is unseemly pic.twitter.com/j3zosQqSE8

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New post: "Statement on the murder of David Haines" ift.tt/1s1egTU

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Time: 20 Years of Change: Joe Biden on the Violence Against Women Act ti.me/WVH6Ne

1 件 リツイートされました

iPhone6をすぐに買うのであれば、LTEのエリアが今のところ一番広い●●●がいいみたいです。toyokeizai.net/articles/-/479… pic.twitter.com/gbhXmby5ij

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Here Issues r:1:whether Japanese military had committed to recruit of comfort women>“@HirokoTabuchi: (US CRS report) pic.twitter.com/aq0QDpCNV8

2:whether Explanation given to the women to obey "Japanese military regulations" was sufficient enough?>“@HirokoTabuchi: (US CRS report)

3:Whether the explanation appropriately included what to do under what circumstances>@HirokoTabuchi: (US CRS report) pic.twitter.com/aq0QDpCNV8

4:importantly whether each contract was made without substantial threat by Jp military regional presence >@HirokoTabuchi: (US CRS report)

5: whether each woman agreed with comprehensive understanding without fear from violence or mental threats >@HirokoTabuchi: (US CRS report)

6:most importantly: whether each occupation woman recruited involved is not relevant
>@HirokoTabuchi: a summary of evidence (US CRS report)

Evidence that the Japanese military forced women into sexual servitude is *not* based on Yoshida's testimony.

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Whether women were brought to comfort stations and served there voluntarily -- a summary of evidence (US CRS report) pic.twitter.com/IiSo5RCumQ

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Whether the Japanese military was involved in recruitment of comfort women -- a summary of evidence (US CRS report) pic.twitter.com/uDD3kHqmmC

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The Japanese govt itself acknowledged this fact & offered an apology -- which it still stands by mofa.go.jp/policy/women/f… Time to move on.

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I'm personally more interested in finding out more about the other Yoshida testimony, from Fukushima cc @ReutersMariS!

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the video recorded what Yoshida directed must be released without any cuts>@HirokoTabuchi: ....the other Yoshida testimony, @ReutersMariS!”


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みんな渡辺氏「野党再編なら浅尾代表は辞任を」 j.mp/1nU0cuw

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景気回復で「重要な戦力」…障害者の雇用増加 - 読売新聞 headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20140913-… 障害者の就職に追い風が吹いている。障害者の法定雇用率が昨年4月1・8%から2・0%に引き上げられたことに加え、景気回復に伴う人手不足も理由だ。人材紹介大手は専門部署も設立した…

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9月14日(日)のつぶやき その1

2014-09-15 05:19:17 | Gooメンテナンス

テレグラフ例えば産経新聞Poll by papers depends on readers' political attitudes>@SkyNewsBreak: New poll the Sunday Telegraph 46% 'No' 54% 'Yes' #indyref

オブザーバーは毎日か>@SkyNewsBreak: New poll for the Observer newspaper suggests 53% of Scottish voters say 'No' 47% say 'Yes' #indyref

Iraq leader orders his air force to not bomb civilian areas lat.ms/1qSuId3

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市議選勝利「東村山決起集会」開催、笠井亮衆議院議員が国政報告!市議予定候補勢ぞろい ozakiayako.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-836…

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All aboard! Here are 10 of the best U.S. trips for train lovers: yhoo.it/ZkFIVV Spectacular fall foliage pic.twitter.com/6C3qDYZCef

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"Al-Qaeda linked rebels in Syria say they'll ‘soon’ free UN peacekeepers "

#US is not in the position2strengthen #Syria rebels terrorists in the name of taking out ISIS rather is2dismantle #FSA of AlQaeda as ISIS is

....and here it is. Our very first entry in the 2015 Good Food Guide! So excited & Proud!! pic.twitter.com/tCmt89oiYx

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Scottish independence: 'Our soldiers lost their lives trying to preserve the UK. What will their families say?' tgr.ph/1qSvSFx

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@NewsHour @PBS @hari congratulations to PBS NewsHour Weekend and team on one year anniversary!

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It's season 2 of @PBS NewsHour Weekend with @hari! to.pbs.org/1s0r8Kc Let us know what you think of the show. pic.twitter.com/6WAklgMJ17

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Isis photos appear to show murder of british hostage. Same Desert location. Masked man. Beheading. Disgusting.

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社説:経団連再び献金 社会貢献とは言えない - 毎日新聞 mainichi.jp/opinion/news/2…

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"We have criminalised mental illness" - The US has 1m mentally ill people in its jails bbc.in/1AGdbFU pic.twitter.com/zbyl9TSDge

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今朝の東奥日報から。「使用済み核燃料の再処理のイメージ」という説明図ですが、書かれているように、関連するすべての施設が「未完成」。日本原燃に寄りそう記事の多い東奥日報の解説でも、未完成このうえないのが再処理路線ということです。 pic.twitter.com/L2ZVqHNDPl

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Yes, this is the photo to run MT @SCClemons: Remember UK aid worker David Haines this way, not as ISIS wants pic.twitter.com/pDHktNjY0E

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Media wouldn't excerpt a rape video, so why from a beheading video? Spotlight Haines in his humanity, not degraded in propaganda video.

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The Guardian using this photo of David Haines, wish other media would also follow suit theguardian.com/world/2014/sep… pic.twitter.com/YUM7Ct1rYD

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"Hamas killed Gazans"said Jordanian Opposition Coalition member Emad Tarifi when he stormed MB/Hamas rally yesterday pic.twitter.com/KuoVAKvqZd

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ビッグイシューを買うには/“ホームレスの仕事をつくり自立を応援する雑誌”ビッグイシュー。最新号は街角の販売者からのみ買えます。近くの販売者にお気軽に声をかけてみてください。バックナンバーは5冊以上で郵送販売も可能です。販売場所検索→ goo.gl/aS5HTR

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Due to its failure to verify facts, The Asahi Shimbun newspaper is reaping what it has sown. the-japan-news.com/news/article/0…

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