8月28日(木)のつぶやき その3

2014-08-29 07:21:09 | Gooメンテナンス

8月28日(木)のつぶやき その2

2014-08-29 07:21:08 | Gooメンテナンス

#ISIS #FSA AlQaeda Muslimbrotherhood Hamas lie easily and kill own ppl to place it upon Assad to let UN condemn #Assad >@ABCWorldNews: .@UN

UN commission has learnt a lot how Muslimbrotherhood FSA supported easily lie about reason of deaths of #FSA #MB #alQaeda>@ABCWorldNews: @UN

#ISIS HamasMuslimbrotherhood AlQaeda kill American&Israelis Palestinians in Israel #UN threats2prosecute,US strikes&kill ISIS&All in Israel?

Israel2recognize its position very similar2 #Syria #Assad: whist attacked by gang Muslimbrotherhood ISIS, UN accused of its self-defense

According to Paski, ISIS FSA can easily "use" US military strike on ISIS's enemy regime with Oil?by killing American on ISIS's enemy's soil?

Paski's comment makes #ISIS happier to kill more Americans on the soil of ISIS's enemy regime to use US military strike on ISIS's enemy #wtf

According to #Paski ISIS FSA can easily "use" US military strike on ISIS's enemy regime with Oil?by killing American on ISIS's enemy's soil?

Everyone would be happy if #Abbas (could have been exercising) exercises police on #Hamas Muslimbritherhood ISIS FSA haaretz.com/1.612793

北朝鮮メディアが韓国に協定の履行を促す、「交流の再開を」―中国メディア #excitenews excite.co.jp/News/chn_soc/2…

エボラ、未承認薬投与の医師死亡 リベリア - 47NEWS(よんななニュース) smar.ws/P5krk #スマートニュース

必須履行公約軽減税率は暮らしだけでなく日本の消費経済税収増日本経済世界経済の維持人権平和安定に絶対に急務> 上がる物価、下がる賃金 「デフレ脱却」で労働者は貧しくなる:JBpress(日本ビジネスプレス) smar.ws/Xrtzs #スマートニュース

ヘイトスピーチ:9割問題視 規制求める声も 全国アンケ - 毎日新聞 smar.ws/Y7u0t #スマートニュース

石破氏「無役」から一転、地方創生相の方向 大島氏は復興・環境相で調整+(1/2ページ) - MSN産経ニュース smar.ws/kf6C5 #スマートニュース

【経済裏読み】賃上げへ、大企業「内部留保」課税に踏み切る韓国強権政策で韓国経済はどうなるか…日本では禁忌、正反対の経済政策の明暗は - MSN産経west smar.ws/Liing #スマートニュース

絶対無理。しかも食料品医療介護学費交通費非課税 光熱費軽減非課税の導入なければ日本は外需も内需も終わり>来年10月の再増税「困難」 本田参与景気を懸念 消費税10%、半年延期も - 47NEWS(よんななニュース) smar.ws/G9eib #スマートニュース

生活必需品控除軽減なしでしかも10%へ上昇ならば日本国内消費停滞円安でも輸出も一般需要停滞韓国中国との競争激化で外貨稼げず「外国人」向けカジノと外国船船着場の間だけ絢爛豪華警備付き惨めな島国へ> 来年10月の再増税「困難」smar.ws/hq792

「中越関係 正常に」 習近平氏がベトナム特使と会談 APEC控え軟化か - MSN産経ニュース smar.ws/0JQSL #スマートニュース

エネルギー利権。独立した場合スコットランドは財政効率消費経済賃金福祉予算財源悪化全くスコットランド人に利点なくスコットランド原油独占緑洗脳の都合>スコットランド独立の是非問う住民投票実施へ 賛成多数イギリス国旗変更 smar.ws/YHz0t #スマートニュース

ラガルド #IMF 専務理事にフランスが正式捜査、政治不正問題で | Reuters smar.ws/ih9A3 #スマートニュース

アップル、9月のiPhone 6発表会で「iWatch」を発表へ:米メディアが報道 : ギズモード・ジャパン smar.ws/oTGG9 #スマートニュース

#ベネチア映画祭 #excitenews excite.co.jp/News/asia_ent/…

Americans fine?!
after Syria, Lebanon, FSA ISIS attack Israel TelAvivNatural Gas
"Our aim isn't Israel right now"

被災された方への広島市生活支援策一覧(8/27時点) bit.ly/1qCatzH

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | RT

8月28日(木)のつぶやき その1

2014-08-29 07:21:07 | Gooメンテナンス

So US strikes in Turkey without Turky gov permission if ISIS kill American in Turkey?>@theLemniscat: #Psaki: "if it's in the interests of

According to Psaki, ISIS can easily "use" US military strike on ISIS's enemy gov by killing Americans on ISIS's enemy's soil?>

According to Psaki, ISIS FSA can easily "use" US military strike on ISIS's enemy regime by killing Americans on ISIS's enemy's soil. #WTF?!

According to Paski, ISIS FSA can easily "use" US military strike on ISIS's enemy regime with Oil?by killing American on ISIS's enemy's soil?

No. Reputation is not because of what to appear but what you think what to do what to achieve> “@Phil_Baty:

Paski's comment makes ISIS happier to kill more Americans on the soil of ISIS's enemy regime to use US military strike on ISIS's enemy #wtf

I tell things2tell for any before any fail to sustain reputations from each nation ISIS stays & from the ppl belong to the nation>@Phil_Baty

Guardian must show immediate UN commission report reference. It says about ISIS or both? in its literally characters? theguardian.com/world/2014/aug…

American journalist was held by #ISIS and freed by #Assad #SyriaAssadMilitary actions>@BBCNewsUS: being held by militants in #Syria

'Insane if US starts striking Syria without working with the Assad regime' dlvr.it/6kpnB4 #RealSyria #Syrien

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | RT

American was freed because #Assad Syrian Armed Forces fighting against militant #ISIS> @BBCNewsUS: US journalist held by militants in #Syria

terrorists ISIS Hamas Muslimbrotherhood kill Americans & Israelis in Israel #UN threats2prosecute, US strikes ISIS&Israel gov in Israel?

1 件 リツイートされました

Are Americans fine with #solos TEAD Greens which do not care lives being held&killed by #ISIS #FSA Hamas terrorists then to be struck by US?

#ISIS HamasMuslimbrotherhood AlQaeda kill American&Israelis Palestinians in Israel #UN threats2prosecute,US strikes&kill ISIS&All in Israel?

Israel2recognize its position very similar2 #Syria #Assad: whist attacked by gang Muslimbrotherhood ISIS, UN accused of its self-defense

Israel2recognize its position similar2 #Syria #Assad: whilst attacked by lSIS MB, UN accused of its self-defense; Syriaoil Israelnaturalgas

Are Americans fine with #solos nazis #Greens which do not care lives held&killed by #ISIS #FSA Hamas MB terrorists then to be struck by US?

#Israel 2recognize its position similar2 #Syria #Assad: whilst attacked by #lSIS #MB, #UN accused of its self-defense; #Assadoil #Israelgas

Hope not because #ISIS is trained by US & US preparation is set for Syria strike:
#ISIS kill Israelis Christians Any abcn.ws/1pfbVsH

Barrel bombing accusation etc against Assad regime was not grounded at all.> @ABCWorldNews: @UN war crimes in Syria: abcn.ws/1tcvFyy

Some concluded as if Assad regime done Coz FSA has no plane but FSA took AirPlane from Assadairbase>@ABCWorldNews @UN abcn.ws/1tcvFyy