4月15日(火)のつぶやき その5

2014-04-16 06:29:39 | Gooメンテナンス

【次回イベント予告】明日4/16(水)より、「アメイジング・スパイダーマン2™」公開記念イベントがスタートします!!皆さま、ぜひソニービルへお立ち寄りください! bit.ly/1n5R32w #Spiderman2OPUS

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「ドネツク人民共和国」の勢力、地域一帯を掌握する意向 huff.to/1iQ6AR9 via @HuffPostJapan

Marmoset displays "remarkable behaviour", embracing and caring for dying partner bbc.in/1kUy5Pc pic.twitter.com/iIAIPGWmII

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江の島でおなじみ“シラス”が泳ぐ姿を…【世界初!「シラス」展示への挑戦開始!】 bit.ly/1gtKCSm 携帯 bit.ly/1m58kJb pic.twitter.com/DTkTjSAws5

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4月15日(火)のつぶやき その4

2014-04-16 06:29:38 | Gooメンテナンス

昔行った島々ハワイマウイタヒチポナペ 渡嘉敷島 加計呂麻島屋久島グアムサイパン 子供の頃にも行った沖縄 与論島 等またいつか【#InterFM】BAREFOOT NATIVES・FA MAI RA OE radiko.jp #radiko

出産時の圧迫法事故、再発防止を…医療評価機構 - 読売新聞 headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20140414-… 出産事故で脳性まひになった子どもに補償金を支払う産科医療補償制度で、これまでに補償対象になった319例のうち、56例(18%)で出産時に妊婦のおなかを手で圧迫する方法がとら…

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「しんぶん赤旗」 jcp.or.jp/akahata/aik14/…

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@raebchen: 北岡さん「現時点の国際情勢で、個別自衛権で日本を守れるのか」RT @NHK_GTV: nhk.jp/P46 #nhkgtv

#集団的自衛権は自衛権ではない 民主党鳩山憲法試案生活未来の党小沢一郎氏憲法試案で明らか海外共同軍事侵攻の為の憲法改悪集団的自衛権と無限の軍事行動>@raebchen: 「個別自衛権で日本を守れるのか」RT @NHK_GTV: #nhkgtv

米大統領、23日夜来日=首相主催の夕食会開催へ - 時事通信 headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20140415-… 岸田文雄外相は15日の閣議後の記者会見で、オバマ米大統領が23日夜に来日すると発表した。政府は4日の閣議で大統領を24、25両日に国賓として招くことを決めたが、到着日の確…

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Watch Live: Moon glows red during rare 'Blood Moon' lunar eclipse abcnews.go.com/Live/

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@DonnaBainton @journalist_jill he said he saw her phone with her in toilet after he broke down the door.

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State has indicated to Judge that it hopes to end #OscarPistorius cross examination by lunch. @eNCAnews

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Interesting… RT @karynmaughan: State has indicated to Judge that it hopes to end #OscarPistorius cross examination by lunch. @eNCAnews

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Useful summary of Nel's main lines of attack against #OscarPistorius version of events here: m.apnews.com/ap/db_306481/c…

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Nel: this is also perhaps an issue of personal arrangements being made for the long weekend @eNCAnews #OscarTrial

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OP wants to tell everything? Window open then witness who said they heard Reeva screaming can be much real ..“@BBCAndrewH: #OscarPistorius

#OscarPistorius says Reeva would have opened bathroom window before going into toilet.

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Nel - there comes a time when the diaries get too clogged up. He cites his colleague's need to deal with another case. #OscarPistorius

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Did he beat the door first then shot?>@BBCAndrewH: #OscarPistorius describeReeva moved the magazine rack in toilet, prompting him to fire.”

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#OscarPistorius describes his retrospective conclusion that perhaps Reeva S moved the magazine rack in toilet, prompting him to fire.

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Jordanian ambassador to Libya kidnapped in capital Tripoli in attack that left his driver wounded bbc.in/1gYuac5

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Nel now details his timeline - that while Reeva ate last meal, the couple were arguing (as heard by neighbour witness). #OscarPistorius

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4月15日(火)のつぶやき その3

2014-04-16 06:29:37 | Gooメンテナンス

#民主党#生活 #未来 #維新
#みんな #結 #緑 #憲法改悪
#集団的自衛権とは自衛権にあらず #集団的自衛権とは海外共同軍事侵攻 #集団的自衛権 [国際貢献なら海外共同軍事行動当然に認める民主政権でイラク介入だったら?] nomado7th.exblog.jp/21997500/

Let peaceful life back2Uall #Lebanon #Syria UN must Stop ISIS/FSA/AlQaeda/Muslimbrotherhood killingrobbingall>Tripoli youtu.be/o5NChqCPcAs

Russia's Putin urges Obama to use US resources to "maximum to prevent use of force & bloodshed"in #Ukraine - Kremlin bbc.in/1qX5y9g

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14yo boy killed by Jewish center gunman was on his way to try out for a Kansas City singing competition abcn.ws/Q7R9M2 #ABCWorldNews

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Because of budget cuts, the IRS has fewer people so your chance of an IRS audit is the lowest since the 1980s. #ABCWorldNews

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"Three people were killed in two shootings in two Jewish centers in Kansas. A suspect yelling "heil Hitler""Ynetnews ynetnews.com/articles/0,734…

Today, off then I can listen to barakanmorning at my home sipping milk tea【InterFM:Barakan Morning】 radiko.jp #radiko

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勤めの日には朝お弁当作らなかった時職場の地下売店でお弁当や飲み物買う時に聴くバラカンモーニング今日はうちで聴く【#InterFM: #Barakan Morning】 radiko.jp #radiko

申請厳格化に反対意見多数 生活保護、省令案修正へ: tokyo-np.co.jp/article/politi… ←←パブコメ700件で、見直す判断をする厚労省。

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Sex offenders suspected of raping and murdering at least four O.C. woman probably wore GPS devices during the crimes lat.ms/1qBmjby

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提案があります。全国のシール投票ボードの結果、どんどんカクサンしましょうぜ! #消費税もうムリ @kurashi_mamoru 川崎駅での『増税反対怒りの12時間宣伝』の結果です@Arashi_Mic: @crow_kms: pic.twitter.com/flcx1cwDma"

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【New!】ナイジェリアのバス停で爆発、71人死亡 イスラム過激派の犯行か huff.to/1ijLr40

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消費税増税の後。富裕層所得住宅価格物価高騰でも税収雇用賃金伸びず福祉削減可処分所得減。高騰乗車料民営化鉄道利益国外配当へ>@SkyNews: Economy Fragile As High Street Spending Falls news.sky.com/story/1242604/…


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2011年英国保守党政権消費税増税は食品医薬教育福祉非課税軽減維持しつつ課税対象「高級品」枠拡大で実質一般庶民直撃消費税増税に。例えば以前非課税だったテイクアウトキッシュ温めたら課税対象に!mof.go.jp/tax_policy/sum… news.sky.com/story/1242604/…

The Ku Klux Klan, with their white hoods and titles of “dragon” and “grand wizard,” are thought to be symbols of ...

The NHS didn't just happen - our parents and grandparents fought to build it. Now it's our turn to fight to keep it for the next generation.

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