2月11日(火)のつぶやき その2

2014-02-12 10:50:23 | Gooメンテナンス


都知事選 宇都宮氏

jcp.or.jp/akahata/aik13/… pic.twitter.com/Yr7hiRwxxd

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木目がとても力強い栗フローリング。 日本では古来から家の土台として使用されてきたとても頑丈なタフな材です。

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Court Gives California More Time to Ease Prison Crowding nyti.ms/1fbIrS8

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@toshiko_nakano: @k1225jp @ourosaka @plquplque 橋下代表を指示するイコール改革派ということ。指示しないのは反改革派それだけのこと。

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路上生活者襲撃事件:初公判 少年ら「殺意なかった」主張 - 毎日新聞 mainichi.jp/select/news/20…


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Boxer and Philippines congressman Manny Pacquiao talks with columnist Bill Dwyre about Typhoon Haiyan relief efforts lat.ms/1gjb4Ac

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Boeing: Air India unhappy with 787 Dreamliner's reliability bloom.bg/1lZWrr0 | Bloomberg #SGAirshow Special: bit.ly/1deMEHW

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ケネディ米大使、きょう沖縄初訪問=12日に仲井真知事と会談 bit.ly/1deNUuQ

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New Plan by Islamic Center Developer: Rebuild a Synagogue nyti.ms/1deNPat

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RT @WSJ: How 4 athletes made it to #Sochi #Olympics despite being told they were too tall, short, skinny or old: ow.ly/tsMD2

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Find out all the facts & figures about this year's Best Film nominees: bit.ly/1dEuFX8 #EEBAFTAs pic.twitter.com/w6cATr1V3j

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2月11日(火)のつぶやき その1

2014-02-12 10:50:22 | Gooメンテナンス

Life is not4"scientific"publicityofendangered spices but is amazing itself no matter it is endangered or not nyti.ms/1fW6LLE

Denmark gov must close such Zoo2check its mental sane!Ucan be surplushuman!> ‘Surplus’ ?Giraffe,via @nytimes nyti.ms/1fW6LLE

Zoo is notonly4endangeredspices but place where enjoy life of cohabitant and care4each other> via @nytimes nyti.ms/1fW6LLE

So wierd. life is prescious as it is not because of genes but his Marius's life itself. >BBC News -bbc.in/NsTOii

EAZA must stop assessing life in relation with cost performance to collect as many as rare genes with "limited budget"bbc.in/NsTOii

there could have been more moments of affection between Marius&visitors in UK oranywhere!EAZA should not control zoos bbc.in/NsTOii

Someone cannot understand the fact that affections reach out among animals humans plants etc.that let life survived> bbc.in/NsTOii

then such scientists who "rationalized" killing of life canbe killed because not rare enough to keep, which is wired> bbc.in/NsTOii

Inbreeding is not reason. many zoos with no his sibling offered2keep him> 'Surplus' giraffe putdown at Copenhagen Zoo bbc.in/1koeyFl

1 件 リツイートされました

"I can't believe it. We offered to save his life. Zoos need to change the way they do business"Dutch Wildpark”>BBC bbc.in/1koeyFl

WWF should advise EAZA to change its aim from collecting rare genes of animals to welfare of quality life of animals >eaza.net/about/Pages/In…

#Marius was killed for cost efficiecy to collect rare genes under rules set by NPO #EAZA which only focuses on genes but animal life itself!

#Marius is prescious as he is not because of resorces of genes or materials for anatomy by being killed despite he can live! #NomoreEAZArule

#EAZA rules banning on zoos2keep animals not ''efficient'' to collect rare genes!

1 件 リツイートされました

It is not because of zoos but EAZA which focuses on cost efficiency in collecting rare animal genes but life #EAZA #NomoreEAZArule #Marius

#WWF must advise #EAZA European Assosiation of Zoos and Aquaria to adandon its unethical rules !!→eaza.net/about/Pages/In…
#Marius #nomoreEAZA

1 件 リツイートされました

#NOEAZA excite.co.jp/News/world_g/2…

実際マリウス殺処分理由はマリウスの遺伝子ありふれていて新しい麒麟作る種麒麟としてそぐわずマリウスへの餌代予算を他の遺伝子の雄麒麟に使う方がコスト効率が高いという理由。マリウスで3頭目>キリン殺処分デンマークの動物園 excite.co.jp/News/world_g/2…

>関東は震える寒さ、週末は再び雪か #excitenews excite.co.jp/News/weather/2…


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関東は震える寒さ、週末は再び雪か tenki.jp/forecaster/dia… 関東の一昨日・昨日は各地で日中の気温が10度近くまで上がり、少しホッとできました。ただ、今日の予想最高気温は5度前後と震える寒さになるでしょう。北風もピュ-ッと...

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