11月7日(水)のつぶやき その3

2012-11-08 04:47:25 | Gooメンテナンス

0 tolerance 4 fascists on campus student movement must unite against fascism @Aaron_Kiely #NoPlatform #BNP #UAF #Leeds uaf.org.uk/3126

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 11 RT

For new @JMMontpelier chief Kat Imhoff (of @nature_org + @TJMonticello TJ Fdn), focus is "narratives" ow.ly/f5OWs via...

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 1 RT

PM Netanyahu told @AmbShapiro that the security relations between Israel and the US are rock solid

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PM Netanyahu met with @AmbShapiro and told him "America has proven once again why it's the greatest democracy in the world"

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You can find a complete list of results for all 26 presidential candidates on CBSNews.com at cbsnews.com/election-resul…

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元教員への賠償、都に命じる=君が代不起立訴訟で初―東京高裁(時事通信) - Y!ニュース headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20121107-…

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David Cameron praises initiative by Microsoft to help unemployed young people ind.pn/YJnGYG

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【内容の変更があります!】『11.11反原発1000000人大占拠』11/11(日)13時~のデモは中止となりました。15時~19時の首相官邸前、国会議事堂周辺をはじめとする永田町・霞が関一帯の大規模占拠抗議行動は予定通り行います!→ coalitionagainstnukes.jp/?p=1275

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Current President Obama is now also President-elect Obama, with a decisive electoral victory | bit.ly/VSYOcQ

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Four more years of Obama worries automakers, writes @JoannMuller. bit.ly/TKFAbC

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Republicans see limited results in quest to win more governors' offices across the nation: apne.ws/YXjt2P #Election2012

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11月7日(水)のつぶやき その2

2012-11-08 04:47:24 | Gooメンテナンス

Don't be fooled: these deer aren't grazing faster than the speed of light bit.ly/YD2kw5

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 18 RT

Getting up early on my nightshift work day to vote. Might be long lines. Results later today on @KSL5TV, @kslcom, @deseretnews #KSLPolitics

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 7 RT

RT @Jamesallenonf1: Was Vettel “lucky” in Abu Dhabi? Race Strategy Analysis goo.gl/fb/N7dDL

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Middle East air carriers begin operating in the Balkans setimes.com/r/5w64

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John Grisham remembers the bookstore that gave him an early break thebea.st/YS19bo

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"He used our slogan! I think that proves Mitt is a candidate just as serious & sincere as I am" on.cc.com/SqNcg8 #bettertomorrowtomorrow

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Disney Raises More Than $16.8 Million for Hurricane Sandy Relief j.mp/U6VZ6l

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On plane to Boston: pilot urges passengers to vote, "to exercise that right we have in this great country of ours"

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Gasoline prices continue downward trend lat.ms/Pzud5Y via @latimesbiz

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if i were an american, i'd go vote&watch ABC but am Japanese then I'd watch NHKBS1. I'll work today then check Xperia during LT>@DJ_Moderne

Obama&Biden,Michell,all the staffs with all the people♪(^-^)→NYTimes: Obama Wins New Term as Electoral Advantage Holds nyti.ms/THXaNx

Thanks for all the paitience of all thepeople in line of voteNYTimes: Obama Wins New Term as Electoral Advantage Holds nyti.ms/THXaNx

BBC News - Joint defence partnership between UK and the UAE announced bbc.in/PSOvc5

ManyConglats for Gay couples in Main,Maryland,Wasington.→BBC News - Maine and two other US states vote for gay marriage bbc.in/YWcSFL

CongratsDepartment of justice not to change their view on Marijuana/Cannabis as illegal.→BBC US states vote bbc.in/YWcSFL

11月7日(水)のつぶやき その1

2012-11-08 04:47:23 | Gooメンテナンス

green tea+salmon+coconats♪i try soon!>green tea salmon, coconut rice & miso greens | Jamie Oliver | Food | Recipes (UK) jamieoliver.com/recipes/fish-r…

Romney's hedge-fund backers plan to party on election night reut.rs/SqESwS

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 6 RT

夜更かし中のみなさん。こんな時間でもコンビニにいかずにトレンディが読めちゃいます。iPhone向けのデジタル版(有料)なら。発売中の日経トレンディ12月号は、ヒット商品ベスト30と来年のヒット予測です。(もりもり) nkbp.jp/RduMAD

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 3 RT

US state ballot initiatives - from same-sex marriage to marijuana trib.al/855oGU

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Let's do this, America! Take nothing for granted, together we can go FORWARD! #VOTE!

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 3 RT

Waited in line to vote at StuyTown for 50 minutes. It was worth every second. #ForbesElection pic.twitter.com/FAqHkidA

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#ECtHR: Previous version of #UK Immigration Rules discriminated against certain refugees and their spouses. hudoc.echr.coe.int/sites/eng-pres…

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 7 RT

Oops RT @lheron: At least 460K people Instagrammed their ballot so far. In some states, that's illegal. dthin.gs/RdsH80 #Election2012

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カナダ、インドへのウラン輸出を約40年ぶりに解禁へ bit.ly/YCFPaB

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New York launches price-gouging probe - Americas - Al Jazeera English aljazeera.com/news/americas/… via @ajenglish

New York launches price-gouging probe aje.me/YRMehf

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#JNJ partner @SaveTheChildren isdelivering Johnson's® Baby "Care kits" to NY/NJ areas affected by #Sandy pic.twitter.com/kTHMuMPw

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 29 RT

Just a few votes could make the difference in this election?grab a friend when you vote today. OFA.BO/XVAPCx

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because we couldn't get enough, Joe Biden started his 2016 campaign today, essentially. abcn.ws/UvhqOZ

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ギリシャ 緊縮策反対の大規模デモ nhk.jp/N44R5a1g #nhk_news

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Funeral held for Syrian actor apparently killed by rebels lat.ms/PSHNCT via @latimesworld

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#Syria conflict: Cameron touts safe passage for Assad - live updates & reaction w/ @Matthew_Weaver gu.com/p/3bj3f/tw

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 19 RT

Longest lines I've ever seen at Edmond Oklahoma's Precinct 60 #TellNYT

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What one word best describes how you feel on this Election Day? #SocialPolls

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Pres Obama encourages "everybody on all sides just to make sure that you exercise this precious right...that people fought so hard for."

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