11月6日(火)のつぶやき その3

2012-11-07 04:41:31 | Gooメンテナンス

Election Night live streaming coverage online 4pm Tues. Join me, @MarkZBarabak @RobinAbcarian @WhenSarsAttacks: latimes.com/news/politics/…

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多くの市民の支持結集へ。“@nhk_news: 都知事選 市民グループ候補者擁立へ nhk.jp/N44Q5ZXK #nhk_news

Let the voting begin! First two towns can now cast their #ElectionDay ballots. huff.to/RbOI73

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New Jersey's virtual voting makes some people nervous huff.to/RbVGcj

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【大分】 亡くなった原告しのぶ 薬害の根絶誓う集い bit.ly/Wt6t7v #oita

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Meningitis Outbreak: 419 Cases, 30 Deaths abcn.ws/SSqf6B

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反体制派会議はシリア内暴力止めることできない反体制派会議はむしろシリア国内暴力犯罪を政治的に支持する暴力原理の正当化→反体制派の自爆攻撃 政府軍兵士50人以上死亡jp.wsj.com/World/Europe/n…#WSJJapan #iPad

原理暴力止めるアサド政権政府軍隊警察側への暴力犯罪を一見政治的な理由にかこつけ進める「反体制派」単に原理暴力武装組織の支配を政治風に正当化だ→反体制派の自爆攻撃 jp.wsj.com/World/Europe/n…#WSJJapan #iPad

NHK BS1 14:45 アメリカ・CNNヘッドラインニュース nhk.jp/H544Q1Oi #nhkbs1

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【最新ニュース】先月発足した消費者安全調査委員会は、6年前に東京・港区で起きた「シンドラーエレベータ」製造のエレベーター死亡事故など合わせて5件を初めての調査対象として選定しました。 「NHKニュース&スポーツ」 nhknews.jp #nhk #news

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配偶者控除、主婦反発に配慮し廃止を見送り : 政治 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) yomiuri.co.jp/politics/news/…

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公共事業費聖域化.選挙に繋がらない生保は仕分け.暴力団関連''NGO''の生保悪用摘発や悪用防止仕組が必要なだけなのにそちらは不発なのも選挙の票目当て?→“@habikinominsyo: 生活保護、事業仕分けの対象に 岡田副総理が言及 t.asahi.com/8n6z

【都知事選】「石原都政は弱い者追い詰めた」 弁護士ら「脱原発」グループ結成、独自候補擁立目指す  - MSN産経ニュース sankei.jp.msn.com/politics/news/…

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RT @JapanTomodachi: 宮城県石巻市出身の阿部志帆さんと福島県相馬市出身の鈴木ひかるさんが「TOMODACHIサマー2012セレブレーション」にて、震災後に訪れた米国での経験を発表した様子をご覧ください。youtu.be/Mfyf3bk9HX8

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Child benefit could be limited to two children for all families tgr.ph/SSI4CC

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Report: the Home Secretary is to make a statement in the Commons on the North Wales child abuse inquiry itv.co/Vtqwl0

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アラーキーの写真展が京都 五條會館で開催: フォトグラファー荒木経惟(あらきのぶよし)の写真展「荒木経惟 KaoRi By 20'x24' INSTANT FILM」が11月9日(金)より京都 五條會館で開催される。 bit.ly/WtiE4o

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【しくみを知る】両候補は各州に割り当てられた選挙人の合計538人を奪い合い、過半数の270人を獲得した候補者が当選となります。詳しい選挙の仕組み、最新情勢地図はNHK特設サイトで→nhk.jp/S0KbsB #daitoryo

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11月6日(火)のつぶやき その2

2012-11-07 04:41:30 | Gooメンテナンス

Long before most people knew his name, Mrs Obama says Iowans came to support her husband's presidential bid.

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 11 RT

Waiting for AF1 to land at O'Hare. Am sleepy.

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Congratulated FM of the Philippines on the Mindanao peace agreement. Vital for whole region, UK proud to have played a part #ASEM

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Ohio we go hard: This is how Sherrod Brown dances at a Jay-Z concert theatln.tc/VwzIFj

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【予定変更あり!11.11反原発1000000人大占拠】11/11(日)13時~のデモは中止、15時~19時の首相官邸前、国会議事堂周辺をはじめとする永田町・霞が関一帯の大規模占拠抗議行動は決行!全国から結集を!ツイートボタンで拡散を!→ coalitionagainstnukes.jp/?p=1275

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300銘柄以上を知り尽くした“醤油ソムリエ”が選ぶ、さんまに合う醤油はコレだ! exci.to/SPYTk7

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A nostalgic Obama ends campaign in Iowa, where his political rise began wtim.es/Tt9o8f

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Obama advisers dismiss polls indicating dead heat, saying early voting/president's ground game nearly guarantee victory:bit.ly/XezfrG

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Hillary Clinton listed commander of Pakistan-based Haqqani network, as a “specially designated global terrorist.” bit.ly/SOtwXb

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次のアメリカ大統領となるのは誰?!一般投票は日本時間今夜からです。 大統領選って難しそうって敬遠してる人も、ぜひまずはこちらの入門ページを見てみて下さい→ goo.gl/8BBmq #米大統領選

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"Governor, this is Bruce." --@Springsteen to @GovChristie, by phone from Air Force One lati.ms/f3d9f

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Gov. Chris Christie: Hug from Springsteen made me weep wapo.st/YMRTFs

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“It was great to talk to the president and even better to talk to Bruce” hollywoodreporter.com/news/obama-spr…

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President Barack #Obama ends 2012 campaign in Iowa, the state where it all began apne.ws/SQ7Nhs #Election2012

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Starts today in Baku, Azerbaijan: Internet Governance Forum j.mp/RII1rg #IGF #IGF12

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Next, town in NH cast 1st votes at midnight...& we're live w/ our all star panel of @CharlesMBlow @CarolSJRoth & @BuzzFeedBen. Stay tuned.

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Moments away from first official elex results in Dixville Notch, NH. @CNN live #CNNelections

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Voting begins in Dixville Notch, New Hampshire; 5 votes each for President Obama and Mitt Romney - @WEWS

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From Dixville Notch, New Hampshire ? the first election results of the day: Obama and Romney tied with five votes each.

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Let's go to ballots & VOTE OBAMA!Until the last minute, keep your supports for Obama & your life&rights.

And the answer is.... @fivethirtyeight predicted, 4 years ago, that Obama would win by 349 votes to 189. In fact, it was 365-173.

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11月6日(火)のつぶやき その1

2012-11-07 04:41:29 | Gooメンテナンス

indeed>"(Obama) our difference unites us"ObamaResponds to 10-Year-Old's HeartfeltLetter About Her Dads huff.to/R9h2Hh via @HuffPostGay

Christine Todd Whitman: Florida Voting Fiasco 'Inexcusable,' Similar To 'Third-World Country' huff.to/R9jkWU via @HuffPostPol

@HuffPostPol"Democrats "may" have had more of their voters turn out but they might not have voted straight party-line"huff.to/R9jkWU

厚生労働省、難治性疾患(難病)対策として、がん登録のような疾病登録の仕組みを導入検討へ。専門医による院内登録を通じて精度の高い患者データを集め、疫学的な研究などに活用する nikkan.co.jp/news/nkx102012…

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警視庁:暴走族名乗って企業恐喝 容疑の社長逮捕 bit.ly/QjnwpZ

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洋楽ニュース ノエル・ギャラガーやカサビアン、名作アニメ『スノーマン』のサントラに参加か ro69.jp/news/detail/74…

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How can we ensure that children in remote villages get critical polio vaccines in Nigeria? A new tool could help: b-gat.es/Sp0bPx

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NYTimes: With $200 Million in U.S. Housing Aid, Officials Begin Relocating the Displaced nyti.ms/SPDuYi

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Says New Yorkers Will Be Allowed To Vote In Any Polling Place huff.to/XeNRHx via @HuffPostNY

Election final day live report→NYTimes: Campaign Diary: Candidates Spending Final Day in Swing States nyti.ms/Py8nQp

Let's go to ballots!Let's vote!NewYorkCity allows voters to cast the vote at any ballots投票所へ行こう!オバマで明日を。オバマと未来へ。→米大統領選jp.wsj.com/US/Politics/no…

JR渋谷駅山手線のホームに「日清ラ王」を食べられるお店ができたそうです goo.gl/gOjvQ トッピングがあってこの値段ならいいですね。お腹空きました。

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【拡散希望】国際協力でこれまでで最大規模の学生プロジェクトです!絆多くのメンバーが参加するTICAD V 学生PJがキックオフイベントを開催!!JICA、外務省、世界銀行、アフリカ各国からゲストが出席。詳細:sites.google.com/site/studentsn…

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Once the results are apparent, Pres Obama will address supporters tomorrow night at McCormick Place in Chicago.

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Pres Obama heads home to Chicago tonight. Tomorrow he plays his Election Day basketball game & does a series of swing state TV interviews.

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“I’m still fired up, but I’ve got work to do," Pres Obama quoted Edith Childs as telling him in turning down his Iowa invitation.

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Pres Obama says he invited "fired up" lady Edith Childs to join him in Iowa tonight, but she said she needed to campaign for him in NC.

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And with that story, Pres Obama fired up his crowd and ended the 101st and final rally of his re-election campaign.

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"Now’s the time to keep pushing forward," says the pres., citing his programs for education, energy, health care and jobs.

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Obama's victory in Iowa in the '08 caucuses, propelled him into the front tier of Dem Candidates, even as a junior Senator from Illinois.

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