Hiroshi Mukaide(向出博)Time Traveler

Reclaiming Human Dignity: Just and Fair Wealth Redistribution for Capitalism Reform

We need to start bringing back under state control the wealth owned by billionaires that is clearly impossible to use up, or else we risk reverting to a time long ago when only a privileged few, like monarchs and nobles, monopolized wealth and power.

Capitalism, which considers allowing the winner of competition to monopolize wealth as "justice". 

Even in such a capitalist society, the sovereign of the state is the people. 

However, in reality, among those people, there is a handful of true sovereigns. 
They are the billionaires. 

Every citizen is granted an equal "one person, one vote" as their voting right. 
Regardless of lineage, education, erudition, or wealth, everyone gets "one person, one vote". 
This is the foundation of democracy. 

However, wealth is a different story. 
In Japan, for instance, an individual can possess billions or even hundreds of billions of yen in wealth. 

While each citizen is only granted one vote as their voting right, when it comes to wealth, one person can own as much as they please. 

Even if one person were to own all of Japan's wealth, there would be no repercussions. 
On the contrary, they would likely be praised. 

It's an absurd situation, but there's no limit to the wealth a billionaire can possess. 

If someone were to propose imposing a limit, they would surely face opposition. 
It's a strange phenomenon. 

Moreover, not all of those who oppose are billionaires. 

Even those who are not necessarily wealthy oppose it. 

"What's wrong with top entertainers or athletes earning billions?" "Without earning that much, life has no dreams." 
"It's the essence of capitalism for the capable to win in competition and gain immense wealth." 
"Poor people don't work hard enough, so it's their own fault," 
and so on. 

However, no matter how capable one may be, and no matter how hard one may strive, only a few can attain billions of yen in wealth. 

In society, a salaryman earning a yearly salary of 10 million yen is considered ideal. 
Even this ideal salaryman, excluding taxes and living expenses, would not accumulate wealth exceeding 100 million yen in their lifetime. 

To those who possess billions or hundreds of billions of yen in wealth, even this ideal salaryman is considered poor. 

Under the ideology of the West's proud "freedom and democracy," humans are supposed to be equal, yet reality is entirely different. 

Billionaires are "supranational entities" who can do anything. 
On the other hand, poor people can do nothing and merely survive under the exploitation of the state. 

Not to mention, poor people cannot resist state power, while billionaires can escape from state power with the power of their wealth. 

Recall when Carlos Ghosn, former chairman of Nissan Motor, fled from Japan to Beirut, Lebanon. 

Now, in a world where the axis of communism and socialism has been lost, and unrestrained capitalism has become "greedy capitalism," billionaires are emerging in ways that no one could have imagined. 

Moreover, under the guise of "freedom of ownership" and "free competition," billionaires are accumulating even more wealth. 

If wealth continues to concentrate only among billionaires, and the "disparity" with those who do not possess it widens, the inevitable outcome might be the equalization of wealth through violence. 

To prevent this, we must not allow the world to be dominated by "supranational entities" such as billionaires, who have wealth that is "clearly impossible to use." 

We must take back control of this wealth under state management. Otherwise, we may regress to the distant past where only a privileged few, such as monarchs and nobles, monopolized wealth and power. 

This is not a denial of capitalism. However, neglecting unrestrained capitalism, which has become "greedy capitalism," may lead to the blocization of the world by ethnicity or religion and a resurgence of communism. 

We must avoid such a future at all costs.


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