Hiroshi Mukaide(向出博)Time Traveler

America's Shifting Identity: A Mosaic of Cultures and the Rise of AI

America may eventually become a nation of African, Hispanic, and Asian Americans.
European white countries puzzled by an Asian American president.
By that time, Russia might be a member of the EU.

For Japanese people, America has always been perceived as a predominantly white country.

However, the proportion of white people in America has already dropped below 60%.
The day when whites fall below 50% is approaching.

Even now, white people still make up the majority of America's ruling class.

However, the term WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) has become obsolete.

Among the former British colonies, the English-speaking countries of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the mother country, Britain, are still friendly allies.

However, the boss of these five countries, America, has somehow slipped away from being a white nation.

Up to President Obama of African descent, whites could probably accept it.
Perhaps even up to Hispanic descent, it might be within the white tolerance range.

However, if the American president were of Asian descent, it would be a significant change.

Because if it goes that far, there might never be a white president again.

In any case, America, which accepts immigrants and is becoming more diverse, is no longer a white nation.

Therefore, the future of the country called America is becoming quite chaotic.

Thinking about such things, it becomes clear why as Americans, they could never accept Japan becoming the 51st state of America.

A Japanese-American president, It's probably unthinkable.

When such a situation arises, it's not just the white Americans who have become a minority who might be bewildered. 
Even white countries in Europe might likely be bewildered.

Surprisingly, by that time, white-majority countries like Russia and Ukraine might have become EU members.

In the end, despite having fought each other, even resorting to nuclear weapons, the United States and Japan have become allies, while Russia and China, who once formed a coalition with the United States, are now in opposition, making anything possible in the realm of international relations.

Moreover, even among the same human species, there are divisions in race, language, and religion.

One might start to wonder if humans were intentionally designed to compete and fight against each other, almost to the point of resenting the divine.

At this rate, it's easy to become anxious that the era of humanity might come to an end.

Perhaps it's time for AI to take the stage.

Apologies for the digression, but even Darwin couldn't have imagined that the outcome of evolution would be AI.



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