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Heat transfer printing characteristics

2017-10-23 16:17:07 | 日記
Printing and dyeing is a high water consumption and high pollution industry.According to incomplete statistics, China's printing and dyeing industry, the annual water consumption of more than 10 billion tons.Heat press machine Printing and dyeing industry not only water consumption, but also because of its complex and varied wastewater composition, color depth, alkaline and extremely difficult to deal with.Therefore, printing and dyeing water reuse rate of only 7%, is the lowest of all industries,Its waste water emissions account for about 35% of the total discharge of industrial wastewater, and emissions of 1t printing and dyeing wastewater but also pollution 20t water.Obviously, from the perspective of sustainable development, the traditional printing and dyeing industry reform is imperative.
Heat transfer printing is the 20th century,heat transfer machine 60 years developed a new printing process,That is the textile industry relay reactive dyes after the most important invention and printing process on a revolution.
Its advantages: no sewage, no consumption of water resources, due to paper shrinkage small, accurate color, so the pattern clear and delicate, flexible, both high-volume production, but also small batch production, but also printed hand-painted, photography, Art-style patterns, vinyl cutterand local printing.

