- - The place where I was born - -

Hosono-Kogen highland(Higashi-Izu)

2015-10-30 | HIGASHI-IZU

a huge pampas grass field, is located near Mitsuji-yama mountain(821m) in Higashi-Izu Machi(mountain side), east coast of Izu peninsular. Many people enjoy taking a walk around the pampas grass field. On top of Misuji-yama, people can also enjoy wouderful view of Izu Seven Islands and Amagi mountain range.

Inatori-misaki Lighthouse

2015-09-04 | HIGASHI-IZU

[ Inatori-misaki Lighthouse, East coast of Izu ]
Location;34-46.1 N, 139-02.8E( On a hill of Inatori Cape, East coast of Izu peninsula).
Built;March, 1972 & renewed on March 1997.
Light characteristic;Alt. Fl.W&G 30 sec.
Height; 72m above sea level(19m above ground).
Range; 21 miles(white) & 17 miles(green)
White colored beautiful lighthouse.

Pine trees for coastal defence(Higashi Izu)

2014-09-07 | HIGASHI-IZU

We often see several tall pine trees at the east coast of Izu peninsula.(Photo is at Katase district of Izu). They were planted in Edo age (around 18th century) for the coastal defence against foreign warship which appeared often near Edo Wan(present Tokyo bay) to ask and threaten Japanese government to open Japan to foreign countries. Then Edo Shogunate decided to plant pine trees around Sagami bay and along the east coast of Izu peninsula for defence against the foreign warships.

Ishigami Waterfall of Izu-Ookawa

2013-05-18 | HIGASHI-IZU
At the most upper part of Mukouda river (upper river of Ookawa river, Higashi-Izu), there is a so-called a rare waterfall, named
Ishigami-no-Taki waterfall. The waterwall has about 15~20 meters of hight with steep cliff and a waterfall basin with very lucid water underneath. The fall can be seen only at and after heavy rain.

Kawazu Rose Garden (Bagatelle Garden)

2006-07-08 | HIGASHI-IZU
Bagatelle Rose Garden (Jardin de Bagatelle) in Kawazu-cho, Higashi-Izu was opened in April 2001 and it is just a sister garden to Jardin de Bagatelle in Paris, France. There are about 6,000 roots of roses with 1,100 kinds in
the area of 5 hectares. Throughout the year, visitors can enjoy seeing almost every kind of beautiful roses.

Lion Rock

2005-07-19 | HIGASHI-IZU
Going along Route 135 from central Ito to the south for about 30 minutes by car, a strange-shaped rock comes into our eyes on the left side of the road, just at the water's edge on Okawa District sea-shore of Higashi-izu-machi (between Ito and Shimoda city, Izu peninsula). It very much looks like a huge lion lying down and roaring toward the horizon. This is the famous rock named " LION IWA" or "LION ROCK"
Don't you think the rock looks so much like real lion ?