

大恐慌!?その177 信用収縮の一段と厳しい第2波が到達

2007-12-16 22:48:55 | 世界経済



1) 金融政策によって、(流動性の問題を超えた)信用と支払い能力の問題は解決できない。

2) 資金提供は、情報の非対称性、不確実性(経済のグローバル化、証券化等による透明性の欠如)を解決できない。

3) FRBが何をしようと、この時点では米国及び世界のレセッション入りは不可避(過去最悪の住宅不況、90ドルの原油価格、厳しい信用収縮、企業セクタの設備投資の減少、貯蓄が少なく負債にあげぐ消費者)。レセッションを軽くするために、よりアグレッシブな利下げが必要。

4) FRBの流動性のサポートに直接アクセスを持たないノンバンク(銀行でない組織。商業銀行部門を持たない投資銀行、MMF、ヘッジファンド、SIV等)によって支配されている金融市場に厳しい流動性と信頼の問題が起こっている。FRBは、銀行以外に資金を貸した事はない。

5) 金融のグローバル化と証券化の最初の真の危機であり、より健全なシステムを作るのに数年はかかるだろう。 




※1 Discount Rate Spread Increases



Discount Rate Spread Click on graph for larger image.

Worse than August.

Worse than 9/11.

UPDATE: A simple explanation of this chart: This is the spread between high and low quality 30 day nonfinancial commercial paper.


The spread between the A2/P2 and AA paper shows the concern of default for the A2/P2 paper. Right now the spread is indicating that "fear" is very high.


※2 信用収縮の一段と厳しい第2波が到達=オランダ中銀総裁 14日






※3 Coordinated Central Banks Liquidity Injections: Too Little Too Late To Address the Fundamental Problems of the Financial System(抜粋)




First, you cannot use monetary policy to resolve credit and insolvency problems in the economy; and most of the crunch is due not just to illiquidity but rather to serious credit and solvency problems of many economic agents (households, mortgage borrowers, subprime, near prime and prime mortgage lenders, homebuilders, highly leveraged and distressed financial institutions, weak corporate sector firms).

Second, monetary injections cannot resolve the information asymmetries and generalized uncertainty of a financial system where financial globalization and securitization have led to lack of transparency and greater opacity of financial markets...

Third, the US is at this point headed towards a recession regardless of what the Fed does as the build-up of real and financial problems (worst housing recession ever, oil at $90, a severe credit crunch, falling capex spending by the corporate sector, a saving-less and debt burdened consumer buffeted by ten separate negative shocks) in the economy make a recession unavoidable at this point; similarly other economies are also now headed towards a hard landing as the US real and financial mess lead to significant contagion and recoupling.

Thus, to mitigate the effects of an unavoidable US recession and global economic slump the Fed and other central banks should be cutting rates much more aggressively.

Fourth, ... The severe liquidity and credit problems affect today a financial market dominated by non-bank that do not have direct access to the liquidity support of the Fed ... And the Fed has never – in its history – used this procedure and lent money to non-depository institutions.

Fifth, as discussed before on this blog, this is the first real crisis of financial globalization and securitization; it will take years of major policy, regulatory and supervisors reform to clean up this disaster and create a sounder global financial system


