

大恐慌!?その205 米経済はスタグフレーションまっしぐら?

2008-02-27 13:00:00 | 世界経済



・07年第4・四半期の一戸建て中古住宅価格(S&P/ケース・シラー指数)は前年同期比8.9%下落し、下落率は調査開始以来最大。4Qでの下落率は5.3%に達し、年換算 20%以上の猛烈な下落(※2)。







[ニューヨーク 26日 ロイター] 米大手民間調査機関のコンファレンス・ボード(CB)が発表した2月の消費者信頼感指数は、労働市場の悪化を受け期待指数が17年ぶりの水準に低下。米労働省が発表した1月の卸売物価指数(PPI)は、エネルギー高を背景に総合指数が前年比で26年超ぶりの大幅な伸びとなり、(物価上昇と景気後退が同時進行する)スタグフレーション懸念が高まっている。






S&P Case-Shiller: Prices Fall Sharply in Q4 2007


S&P Case-Shiller reported that house prices fell sharply in Q4 2007.

Case Shiller House Price Index Click on graph for larger image.

The first graph shows the Case-Shiller index since 1987. The index fell to 170.64 in Q4, from 180.31 in Q3. A decline of 5.3%, or over 20% at an annual rate.

This is the lowest level for the index since Q1 2005.

Case Shiller House Price Index YoY Change The second graph shows the year-over-year change in the Case-Shiller index.

Prices fell 8.9% in 2007 according to Case-Shiller.

The index is off 10.2% from the peak.

大恐慌!?その204 モノライン救済策、米FRB利下げと住宅ローン金利低下

2008-02-24 22:40:00 | 世界経済




(07年7月26日の週 6.69%) 

07年8月30日の週 6.45% 

9月27日 6.42

10月25日 6.33

11月29日 6.10

12月27日 6.17

08年1月31日 5.68

2月14日 5.72 (8月30日からの下落 0.73%)



CNBC: Ambac Rescue Could Come Next Week


UPDATE: The Financial Times is reporting that the banks most exposed to a downgrade are discussing injecting more capital into Ambac, and that the plan includes splitting the company.

From the Finanical Times: Banks look to bolster Ambac with $2bn

A group of banks is preparing to inject $2bn to $3bn into the troubled bond insurer Ambac, which is racing against time to come up with fresh capital to avoid a sharp cut in its triple-A credit rating that could trigger wider financial market turmoil.

The money from the banks would be part of a plan to split Ambac’s operations, people involved in the discussions said.





米債券運用会社パシフィック・インベストメント・マネジメント・カンパニー(PIMCO)のグロー ス最高投資責任者(CIO)は、米連邦準備理事会(FRB)の積極的な利下げ後も住宅ローン市場では金利が高止まりしていると指摘した。

 同CIOはロイターが今週行った一連のインタビューで、「住宅ローン市場では(金利)低下がみられていない。むしろ上昇している」と指摘。FRBはフェデラルファンド(FF)金利を現在の3%まで、2007年9月時点から2.25%引き下げたが、連邦住宅抵当金庫(ファニーメイ) の30年ローン金利は5.75%前後で推移しており、住宅ローン金利の低下にはつながっていないと述べた。



大恐慌!?その203 NY大Roubini教授の金融災害への12ステップ

2008-02-24 00:24:49 | 世界経済

このブログでも度々取上げているNY大Roubini教授は、金融災害(Financial disaster)にいたる12のステップを提唱しており、Financial Times紙のコラムで紹介されている(※1)。今の金融市場の全貌を知る良い内容だと思うので、以下に簡単に紹介したい。

ステップ1.米国市場最悪の住宅不況で、住宅価格が20~30%下落し、$4,000bn ~$6,000bn(約450~650兆円)の資産価値が失われる。 ホームエクイティがネガティブになるケースが増え、また多くの住宅建設事業者が倒産する。こうした数値はこのブログでも過去に紹介した通り。

2.サブプライムローンによる損失が、現在推定されている $250bn-$300bn(約30兆円)程度から拡大。例えばGSは$400bnと推定。住宅価格が20%以上下落すると、更に拡大。貸し渋り激化の要因。






8.会社の立て続けの倒産。社債をヘッジする“credit default swaps"に損失が拡大($250bn、約30兆円)し、保険事業者の一部が倒産する。

9.ヘッジファンドの苦境に伴い、”shadow financial system"が崩壊し、SIV等中央銀行から直接借り入れの出来ない組織.の資金調達が困難となる。

10.ヘッジファンド、”margin calls”や”shorting ”の失敗により、更なる株価下落








※1 America’s economy risks mother of all meltdowns


“I would tell audiences that we were facing not a bubble but a froth – lots of small, local bubbles that never grew to a scale that could threaten the health of the overall economy.” Alan Greenspan, The Age of Turbulence.

That used to be Mr Greenspan’s view of the US housing bubble. He was wrong, alas. So how bad might this downturn get? To answer this question we should ask a true bear. My favourite one is Nouriel Roubini of New York University’s Stern School of Business, founder of RGE monitor.

Recently, Professor Roubini’s scenarios have been dire enough to make the flesh creep. But his thinking deserves to be taken seriously. He first predicted a US recession in July 2006*. At that time, his view was extremely controversial. It is so no longer. Now he states that there is “a rising probability of a ‘catastrophic’ financial and economic outcome”**. The characteristics of this scenario are, he argues: “A vicious circle where a deep recession makes the financial losses more severe and where, in turn, large and growing financial losses and a financial meltdown make the recession even more severe.”

Prof Roubini is even fonder of lists than I am. Here are his 12 – yes, 12 – steps to financial disaster.

Step one is the worst housing recession in US history. House prices will, he says, fall by 20 to 30 per cent from their peak, which would wipe out between $4,000bn and $6,000bn in household wealth. Ten million households will end up with negative equity and so with a huge incentive to put the house keys in the post and depart for greener fields. Many more home-builders will be bankrupted.

Forecasts for GDP growth in 2008/US real house prices

Step two would be further losses, beyond the $250bn-$300bn now estimated, for subprime mortgages. About 60 per cent of all mortgage origination between 2005 and 2007 had “reckless or toxic features”, argues Prof Roubini. Goldman Sachs estimates mortgage losses at $400bn. But if home prices fell by more than 20 per cent, losses would be bigger. That would further impair the banks’ ability to offer credit.

Step three would be big losses on unsecured consumer debt: credit cards, auto loans, student loans and so forth. The “credit crunch” would then spread from mortgages to a wide range of consumer credit.

Step four would be the downgrading of the monoline insurers, which do not deserve the AAA rating on which their business depends. A further $150bn writedown of asset-backed securities would then ensue.

Step five would be the meltdown of the commercial property market, while step six would be bankruptcy of a large regional or national bank.

Step seven would be big losses on reckless leveraged buy-outs. Hundreds of billions of dollars of such loans are now stuck on the balance sheets of financial institutions.

Step eight would be a wave of corporate defaults. On average, US companies are in decent shape, but a “fat tail” of companies has low profitability and heavy debt. Such defaults would spread losses in “credit default swaps”, which insure such debt. The losses could be $250bn. Some insurers might go bankrupt.

Step nine would be a meltdown in the “shadow financial system”. Dealing with the distress of hedge funds, special investment vehicles and so forth will be made more difficult by the fact that they have no direct access to lending from central banks.

Step 10 would be a further collapse in stock prices. Failures of hedge funds, margin calls and shorting could lead to cascading falls in prices.

Step 11 would be a drying-up of liquidity in a range of financial markets, including interbank and money markets. Behind this would be a jump in concerns about solvency.

Step 12 would be “a vicious circle of losses, capital reduction, credit contraction, forced liquidation and fire sales of assets at below fundamental prices”.

These, then, are 12 steps to meltdown. In all, argues Prof Roubini: “Total losses in the financial system will add up to more than $1,000bn and the economic recession will become deeper more protracted and severe.” This, he suggests, is the “nightmare scenario” keeping Ben Bernanke and colleagues at the US Federal Reserve awake. It explains why, having failed to appreciate the dangers for so long, the Fed has lowered rates by 200 basis points this year. This is insurance against a financial meltdown.

US household debt and debt service/US commercial paper

Is this kind of scenario at least plausible? It is. Furthermore, we can be confident that it would, if it came to pass, end all stories about “decoupling”. If it lasts six quarters, as Prof Roubini warns, offsetting policy action in the rest of the world would be too little, too late.

Can the Fed head this danger off? In a subsequent piece, Prof Roubini gives eight reasons why it cannot***. (He really loves lists!) These are, in brief: US monetary easing is constrained by risks to the dollar and inflation; aggressive easing deals only with illiquidity, not insolvency; the monoline insurers will lose their credit ratings, with dire consequences; overall losses will be too large for sovereign wealth funds to deal with; public intervention is too small to stabilise housing losses; the Fed cannot address the problems of the shadow financial system; regulators cannot find a good middle way between transparency over losses and regulatory forbearance, both of which are needed; and, finally, the transactions-oriented financial system is itself in deep crisis.

The risks are indeed high and the ability of the authorities to deal with them more limited than most people hope. This is not to suggest that there are no ways out. Unfortunately, they are poisonous ones. In the last resort, governments resolve financial crises. This is an iron law. Rescues can occur via overt government assumption of bad debt, inflation, or both. Japan chose the first, much to the distaste of its ministry of finance. But Japan is a creditor country whose savers have complete confidence in the solvency of their government. The US, however, is a debtor. It must keep the trust of foreigners. Should it fail to do so, the inflationary solution becomes probable. This is quite enough to explain why gold costs $920 an ounce.

The connection between the bursting of the housing bubble and the fragility of the financial system has created huge dangers, for the US and the rest of the world. The US public sector is now coming to the rescue, led by the Fed. In the end, they will succeed. But the journey is likely to be wretchedly uncomfortable.

*A Coming Recession in the US Economy? July 17 2006, www.rgemonitor.com; **The Rising Risk of a Systemic Financial Meltdown, February 5 2008; ***Can the Fed and Policy Makers Avoid a Systemic Financial Meltdown? Most Likely Not, February 8 2008


大恐慌!?その202 新規失業保険週間申請件数の4週間移動平均が36万を突破

2008-02-22 08:55:55 | 世界経済




Weekly Unemployment Claims


Weekly Unemployment ClaimsClick on graph for larger image.

This graph shows the weekly claims and the four week moving average of weekly unemployment claims since 1989. The four week moving average has been trending upwards for the last few months, and the level is now above the possible recession level (approximately 350K).

大恐慌!?その201 1月の米住宅市場・・・過剰供給、底這い

2008-02-21 22:50:54 | 世界経済


建設事業者の市況判断を示すHMIは、1改善に20へ。このHMIについて、私は2006年9月ごろから注目しており、米住宅市場の変調を何よりも早く的確に伝えた指標として信頼している(例えば、米国不動産市場の冷え込みは1991年以来 2006/9/5)。ただ、50が景況感の判断の分かれ目であり、住宅バブルの真っ最中でも70程度しかいかなかったことを考えると、20という水準はこの指標がとりうる最低レベルとも考えられ、底這っているという見方が正しいだろう。いずれにしても、住宅価格の下落は当面続くものと思われ、経済へのネガティブな影響を与え続けることが想定される。




Single Family Housing Starts Lowest Since Jan 1991


Housing Starts CompletionsClick on graph for larger image.

Single-family authorizations in January were at a rate of 673,000; this is 4.1 percent below the December figure of 702,000.


Even with single family starts at the lowest level since the '91 recession, when you look at inventories and new home sales, the builders are still starting too many homes ... but they are getting there.

○NY 2008/02/20(Wed)








NAHB: Builders Remain Cautious


Click on graph for larger image.

The NAHB reports that builder confidence was at 20 in February, up from 19 in January.
NAHB Housing Market Index