DEVIAPPLE Let's laugh!!

Kayo's pics and comics blog.

雨音はストレスの調べ 01

2011年07月02日 22時39分46秒 | My Life as a Dog
鬱陶しい梅雨の季節。お外は雨ですが、おうちの中では甘い香りが漂うほんわかムード。最近はお菓子作りの腕も上がってきた文治です 美味しいお菓子があればお外で遊べなくても我慢できますね。(続く)

Raindrops sound is a melody of the stress.
One day in the rainy season.
Bunji"Yes!! I did it!!" Bunji Kugashira making cookies for kids.
Brandon dog" Aaaaa~nnn little snails...."
Lee cat"Cute!!"
Bunji"This is a new The custard cream enters the inside.Let's eat!!"
Brandon dog&Lee cat"Yeah!!!!"
Look!! The hand from under....who's hand? be continued.