桂木嶺のGO TO THE THEATER!~Life is beautiful!~



2017-07-01 06:31:19 | パーヴォ・ヤルヴィさん関係


「かつらぎさん、何枚パーヴォからサインをもらったら気が済むの?(笑)」と笑われそうですが、やはりどうしてもブログだけではなくて、パーヴォにひとこと、かれの演奏のすばらしさを称えたくて、こんなにサインをもらってしまいました  きのうは、実は吉右衛門さんと雀右衛門さんの巡業の初日も見に行くという、藤井四段風に言えばまさに「僥倖」というべき一日だったのですが、掉尾を飾ったのが、パーヴォとN響の見事な演奏で、私は幸福の絶頂にいたのでした。




2曲目は、シューマン作曲・チェロ協奏曲 イ短調 作品129 で、こちらも優美な曲調の中に、深遠なテーマを持つ作品です。チェロの独奏が美しく奏でられる中、N響のオーケストラが静謐かつ緻密な演奏でこれにこたえます。みごとな融合を見せた後、華麗なカデンツァを聴かせ、聴衆からは「ブラボー!!」の歓声が沸き起こりました!チェリストのターニャ・テツラフもとても美しいひとで、清冽な演奏で聴衆を魅了しました。





Yesterday was 1863 time fixed period performance C program of NHK Symphony Orchestra. It was for the first time to hear both and this, but every kind of song could bet powder of magic on spanning Paavo and everyone of NHK Symphony Orchestra, but I was changing in solved beautiful and dramatic music, so I seemed to experience miracle imminently at all.

The beginning is Schuman composition and opera "GENOVEVA" overture. I'm not used to hearing easily, but GENOVEVA is where it's the name of the heroine and is full of romance opera. The link with "Manfred" commanded by Paavo already is also watched as the song which can be found. I also excel in this song as an instrumental work very much, and thinks even Japan is more famous tunes which are to the extent it may be played, more taking this as an opportunity. Paavo's direction was very passionate and suddenly, made them remember Carlos Kleiber's splendid direction. Paavo was showing the excellent charisma, and increasingly understood that the world is walking the way as an eminent conductor and was happy.

2 numbers are Schuman composition and cello concerto A minor work 129 and are also a work with a profound theme here in the elegant melody. While a solo of a cello is played beautifully, an orchestra of NHK Symphony Orchestra is peaceful and answers this by a close performance. After showing excellent fusion, a cheer of "a bravo, !!" made them hear a splendid cadenza, and welled up from an audience! Violoncellist's Tanya also were a very good-looking person and charmed an audience by a clear performance.

A 8th number of Schubert symphony was C major D.944 "The Great", and the end was the very wonderful performance by which a force in which one current as of NHK Symphony Orchestra excels is shown off with Paavo. I think this success of "The Great" is passed down orally all the while. NHK Symphony Orchestra was a very excellent orchestra, but an impression to that was being honor-roll student-like somewhere and while being handsome. But quite large-scale various expressions are shown delicately and and when a flame overflow is here when there is some time daringly by various collaboration with Paavo, I think indeed I have begun to walk the way as "supreme orchestra".
After a performance had ended, an overcrowded audience welcomed NHK Symphony Orchestra with serious excitement with Paavo and praised. And without also showing fatigue after a performance, surprisingly, Paavo responsed to an autograph session. Paavo was reversed from the strictness when conducting an orchestra, and the passionate state, very direct and rich in wit, and showed me the quality as the excellent conductor, and I was affected further.
I was happy lastnight !!