NGO SORA Japan Earthquake&Tsunami Animal Rescue Project


Shelter is in trouble: What you can do to help

2012-04-01 11:10:38 | Your support!
SORA is financially BROKE. SO IN TROUBLE.
But they don't ever want to quit what they are doing. SORA has been taken in troubled or rejected pets in Fukushima evacuees or evacuee centers.
People are no way in the shape of claiming their pets back yet.
SORA has rushing its procedure to registered as NPO so she can open the PAYPAL account. (Currently the SORA is registered as Incorporated Association which will require less operation money and less board member ☞ Less paper work and more on the field! )
Please Please share whatever you can!

Bank: Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank
Branch: Tachikawa
Account: 0085844
SORA Incorporated Association
( Shadan Houjin SORA)
Representative Director: Rie Kanno

三菱東京UFJ銀行 立川支店
普通 0085844
一般社団法人 SORA (シャダンホウジン ソラ)
代表理事 菅野利枝(カンノリエ)

To people outside Japan, I created ChipIn page for SORA. All you need is paypal account to make contribution.
I appreciate your continuous care and support to FUKUSHIMA animals!

What the SORA shelter taught me and left in my heart....

2012-03-13 01:04:09 | Rescue days
This is a summarized translation posted on blog called 「Think the Earth」
Reported by Miyuki Toritani.

Hello. One day on February, I've visited SORA shelter in Fukushima. 2 stations on Ohu main line from JR Fukushima station. As I got off at the Niwasaka station, it was 'Yukiguni', the land was all covered by snow. Could it be that mountain where the shelter's at? It was 8 in the morning. SORA staff Mr.Sato picked me up then we headed to our destination. The mountain road deepened in snow. Once I got there, there was the very scenery I studied from the SORA blog.

White building at the back was their shelter. Rectangular boxes made of wood were dog houses. Up until today, SORA takes care for over 30 dogs: dogs rescued from 20km zone still in search of their owner, foster dogs by local evacuees and abandoned dogs looking for forever home.

Shelter work started out by taking all dogs out of their cages for outdoor houses with snow on the ground.
When all out, we started cleaning up their cages. Some of them couldn't hold it in until morning. I had some experiences at a cat shelter, so I wasn't worried about cleaning chore. However, the volume of what a dog produce couldn't possibly be compared to cat's…but it's life we were looking after. I tackled in scraping and wiping with other volunteers for less than an hour.

Pooches ate their breakfast outside. I talked to Mr.Sato and he asked me " would you mind building a support system for shelter volunteers supporting by our sponcors with no time to come down to the shelter?"

To be honest I thought SORA had enough manpower because the day I joined was filled with enthusiastic volunteers from all over the country.
But NO. Most of them came from western and capital regions. Most weekdays were without outside help. Mr.Sato was often all alone taking care of 30 dogs and rescued cats at different shelter from rise to dawn. " I work 365 days. I feel like running away sometimes". But animals wait for him.
"When morning comes, what would they do without me? Being patient with needs all night long…"

The SORA shelter opened its door on May 2011. Before the 3.11, the founder Mrs.Kanno didn't own single shelter but involved in amendment of the animal protection law. She grew up in Fukushima surrounded by animals. At first rescued pets was her personal mission and she fostered pets from evacuating families at her house. Soon enough, the house reached its limit. The local government was busy with humans. So Mrs.Kanno looked for a place nearby her house to start her shelter.

" I want my shelter with most fun in Japan" This is what Mrs.Kanno and Mr.Sato want to achieve for this place. " We'll be dedicated because we love being here. Nothing changed from the time we worked alone." Her words left mark on me. Recently they received many critical mails regarding their work efficiency and hygiene condition. If you have ideas and knowledge, I suggest you to share them rather than attacking people on sit. If we all work in unison, "the most fun shelter" is achiebable in near future.

Summarize of this experience.
1. I want to improve working quality for shelter staff and volunteers. They are doing meaningful work for us. We shouldn't lay burden on them any longer. Are they lacking some quality to win people's trust? How can we support that?
2. Besides the animal issue, I need to acknowledge how much people in big cities depend on what countryside provide for us…

Thank you notes and letters from supporters!

HELP!! Pigs and Cows been killed in Fukushima right now!

2012-02-29 10:05:46 | Your support!

I need your big favor. Would you please please send your voice to the Ministry of Environment?
Inside Fukushima 20 km zone, ALL PIGS and cows without identification tag are been killed right this moment
The Ministry official call them Walking debris and no intension of stop the killing.
What's worse, the ministry will forever close the 20km zone soon. There will be NO 2nd chance for our rescue mission in Fukushima.
Please! Please help us spread the word.

Email form is here

email address:

The 20 km zone is coming closer to closing permanently. The Government has stated that a mass rescue will be underway shortly. But, they will be selective on who they do or dont rescue, after speaking with multiple sources on the ground and recieving the confirmation of the pig slaughter just moments ago. The Government of Japan are competing for the title of Largest Kill Shelter in the World!

Shelter news on Februay 3rd

2012-02-04 03:47:29 | Rescue days
The islands of Japan has been hit by extreme cold wave and Fukushima is no exception. Well, it's located in North part of the Islands and famous for its harsh winter...

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Here is the latest post from Mr.Sato, a SORA worker.

February 3rd,2012

We've received donated supplies, buckets and dry foods. Buckets made of plastic are easily broken so receiving commodities like this, we are very glad :-)

Thank you!

Everyday, it's chaotic at the shelter. Snow and cold wave this year are more than we expected, our air conditioner isn't catching up.

Its outdoor unit got frozen so we had no AC at one point.

Now it's been fixed and running as usual but it doesn't make much difference.

Also, our oil heater got broken, so we're making the best we can with unstable AC and electric heaters.

Mofmof's house has been eaten up by snow!

and yet, Mofmof is doing great.

Kuro is also happy to play with snow.

The other day at outside our cat shelter, I found this beautiful bird.

A shrike, maybe?

Cats were ready in hunting mode.
The cats shelter was slightly warmer than dog's. However it got pretty cold in previous morning as the temperature fell -7℃.

We give our cats disposable pocket warmer inside their blanckets so they were all good.
This is how they cuddle up

I can't wait for spring time.

That's all for today.

From Sato, who cannot stop humongous appetite these days.

Translated by Kimiko

SORA's AMAZON WISH list is here

Fukushima is now covered with snow!

2012-01-03 01:50:44 | Shelter News
Thanks to generous supporters of the SORA animal rescue group in Fukushima, they now have lots of foods and goods been donated via the AMAZON Wishlist.
Although they want to stock as many food as possible, the storage space reached it's capacity and they have mice problems.

Their status now is called Ippan-Shadan-Hohjin (一般社団法人),General Incorporated Association.
In short, it requires less board members and less administrative work compared to regular NPO group. The SORA is currently claiming for NPO status and preparing paper works. Since they are not accepted as NPO, the SORA hasn't been able to open a paypal account to receive donations.

Key news Updates from their Dec.30th entry

Every morning at the SORA, staff and volunteers start with shoving the snow.
Thanks to generous Santa Claus from NY, they have cool gadget to tackle the problem now!  

Meet their mighty snow-blower :-) (and check out how much snow they get!)

Our playful volunteers made Mof-Mof a cozy snow-house! Mof-Mof loves it :-)

Did you know snow-house is actually warm inside? They shut wind blow in.

Kumagoroh is liking his little mountain.

The way he's looking over the town....I wonder if he's missing for someone?

Translations by Kimiko

No-go zone permission and more gifts!

2011-12-06 21:00:27 | Your support!
You might already know but the Fukushima Prefecture recently announced to grant a permission to enter the No-go zone in Fukushima for animal rescue mission with owner's request. The group must be registered NPO with shelter facilities.

Fukushima Prefecture HP (Japanese)

The SORA hasn't received any request at the moment, however, she submitted the application and waiting for the response.

We have received yet another gifts via Amazon Wish List.

On behalf of rescued animals at the SORA shelter, I thank you all for your kindness!

List of gifts we received!

12月1日 アイリスオーヤマ回転モップ  
      コーチョー 業務用シーツ薄型ワイド
      コーチョー 業務用シーツ薄型レギュラー
12月2日 アイムス成犬用チキン小粒
12月3日 ジェックスもみもみふみふみ猫袋ぶらうん 4ヶ
      ジェックスもみもみふみふみ猫袋ぶらうん 1ヶ 
      アイムス7歳以上用(シニア)チキン 12kg
      アイムス体重管理用チキン小粒 6.5kg
12月4日 ジェックスもみもみふみふみ猫袋ぶらうん 5ヶ
      アイムス成犬用ラム&ライス 12kg 2ヶ
12月2日 天竜川流域 洗い砂20kg 12.5L 7袋
12月3日 天竜川流域 洗い砂20kg 12.5L 1袋

12月5日 天竜川流域産 洗い砂20kg (12L)4袋
12月4日 天竜川流域産 洗い砂20kg (12L)5袋

Amazon WISH LIST gift delivered!

2011-11-26 11:44:02 | Your support!
Just so you know SORA has received many heart-warming gifts via Amazon Wishlist.

from anonymous donner
Cat food ROYAL CANIN INDOOR27 10kg x 2

from Ms.Eriko Iwahashi
warm bed for cats x 2

More gifts were delivered but due to the shortage of staff at the shelter, they didn't document it.
However, everyone including rescued animals are so happy because of your support.


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A Visit to the Fukushima SORA animal shelter with Enson Inoue vol.1

2011-11-17 04:35:42 | Rescue days



Fukushima city in FUKUSHIMA prefecture.

The SORA shelter is located just 60km away from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

It has become a home to rescued dogs and cats since the 3/11.
















The SORA was founded by Ms.Rie Kanno in order to raise awareness in animal rights and animal welfare issues in Japan.

It's a small group operated by a small number of people, and didn't own a shelter before the disaster.

After Ms.Kanno took a rescue request by her friend at the epicenter, more and more rescue requests had rushed in. "That's how it started it".

"First of all, do your best to retrieve your pets. If you fail, then I'll come in to help you"

There is a good reason behind her strong words, which may sound little tough on evacuees.

"Most of them were abandoned, not because of evacuation but simply because animals were possession, not a family member to some. You get notified for evacuation date beforehand. why won't you take your beloved family with you? "

At the shelter, we've met many abandoned dogs along with ones the SORA haven't be able to locate their owners.

This beagle, he's very timid and shivering from fears to humans.

Not only natural disaster he had to survive, I assume.







vol.2 へ続きます。

I reached out to him slowly, let him sniff my hands.

Good boy, good boy.

You must've gone thorough lots.

Everything gonna be alright now.

He took 2 whole months to eat snack from a hand of Ms.Kanno.

・・・・continued to vol.2

Entry by Kimiko h.

A Visit to the SORA shelter!

2011-11-08 05:01:06 | Your support!
Good evening,

Japanese chilly winter is near us and my heart goes out for Fukushima animals. Farm animals who were lucky enough to escape the worst are facing yet another tough season, there'll be no grass on the ground. The Fukushima is located in the Northeast of the Japan islands and is famous for chilly cold winter.

This week on the 12th, I'll visit the SORA shelter in Fukushima and take lots of photos to share with you!
Better yet, I'm bringing a special guest with me.

Do any of you enjoy martial arts?
Mixed Martial Artist, the former Shooto heavyweight champion and an avid animal lover Mr.Enson Inoue will join me and help raise voice for rescued animals. Our goal is to find everyone a foster family before the Christmas! (before the snow falls...)

Yamato Damashii Diaries

If you'd like to take a part in this project, please spread the word for us or visit the SORA's Amazon wishlist page and could you please share your love?

Join us at FACEBOOK page 3.11 Japan Animal Rescue Groups.

Thank you for your continuous support!


2011-11-01 23:59:37 | Rescue days
Hello friends,

Sorry we haven't able to update daily news from SORA who is very much active and very busy taking care of their rescued animals.

And here's big news!

The SORA finally opened the Amazon Wishlist.

Hew! Enough time for a holiday gift, huh?
However, she could not add the English version of their Amazon profile so here is:

『Hello. We're a very small NPO called "Animal Peace Project Team SORA" based in Fukushima,Japan. Before the 3.11, the SORA had focused on educating the
public about the concept of animal rights and we didn't own a single shelter. However, the Fukushima is our hometown so it was natural for us to go into the epicenter and rescued left behind animals as much as we could. We've rescued about 100 and brought in food for farm animals while we were there. About 50 lucky dogs and cats found their foster homes and there are about 50 dogs and cats remaining at the shelter.

Since our dog shelter is at high up in the mountains in FUKUSHIMA, we took in mostly middle to large size kennels. (figured small breeds could be cared by other rescue groups with smaller space.)

7 months has past since the 3.11, and we are facing a big problem: Japanese are beginning to forget we are still here, struggling day by day to keep precious lives alive at the SORA shelter. Our priority is our animals. We don't publicly speak or do stand-out protest but we do our best to improve shelter environment for our rescued pooch and mews. 』

SORA is in desperate needs of shelter volunteers and food for their dogs and cats. I can assure you that their work is genuine, coming from pure affection to animals and out of humanity. Allow me to tell you that the representative of SORA, Ms.Kanno is also a victim of FUKUSHIMA disaster. Her house is only 60km away from the power plant and she has her children to care for.

When I first asked Ms.Kanno to make a Amazon WISH LIST in order to get support from overseas, she hesitated.
She said " but isn't it too much to ask?

The reason I stared this translation group was to bring attention to small Japanese rescue groups who are at the site and on actual rescue mission. They often have no tools to reach out or no time for administrative work, or too modest to shout out 'HELP!'
Ms.Kanno is a perfect example of being modest..... but hey, their work deserve your attention and generosity!

I appreciate that you care for FUKUSHIMA animals and us too .... Japanese with stupid nuclear plants on the land of earthquakes and tsunami!


Kimiko Mh, founder of TJARG

SORA Homepage ( only available in Japanese) :
SORA blog Eng. version:

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