スピリチュアリズム大霊教 / Spiritualism Taireikyo

/ 世界中に愛を広げる / 大霊、グレートスピリット、霊的真理の10の法則、神道、仏教、世界中の神々と共に

When bubbles of the life explode; a beginning of new personality improvement. 人生のバブル

2015年09月16日 | スピリチュアリズム

I watched the TV program that the bubble of the China's economy exploded. I thought to see it, the growth of the human personality may be a similar thing, too. The person may create various bubbles to oneself by own act. It is concealment, a falsehood, a deception, greediness or a social environmental change. And I thought whether it was a beginning of new personality improvement training when the bubble exploded. Do you not create bubbles?
